Yadda yadda yadda
I don’t believe we’ve seen the Chal species before have we?
As I’ve said before lex is an anomaly among anomalies
Well they did find “purified” krath eggs when they took the first krath tribes area so if they hatch them they could theoretically see a “pure” krath when they hatch and with a captive “corrupted” krath they might be able to create a process to “purify” new krath of course from the krath perspective you can reverse the quotation marks lol
Ducal dawnstar daughter I believe might be wrong though
But you see if they die before they rescue them then they’ve FAILED and wasted all the precious resources spent on them any death that doesn’t accomplish the mission is useless and thus not allowed
Ah dumb humans thinking they’re better than everyone else just cause they’re humans and not “dirty” beastmen
Theoretically if the “personal ID” of living things expires with their death it would require that Damien needs to keep the target creature alive to be able to keep using the specific variant of the mimicry spell he has now so if an ID does expire he’s gonna have to start getting those pets to a degree not taking them around with him but more like a personal zoo to keep them alive and in good health for as long as possible
Well yes but you have to remember Lex is an Anomaly among anomalies and for most races while they may start higher or have other advantages “eating” laws to make more earth immortals is definitely an exception and not a common occurrence
Ah another lackey for Damien
So how long before they find out who Aron is? Will one of the representatives ask who the negotiator is or will it be during the duels? The xor’vak strike me as the type to declare “I am (blank) warrior of the xor’vak know it is I who defeated you” at the start and Aron going well I’m the the emperor after beating their ass