Someone friendly. A romantic novel enthusiastic..
No updates till now.. Can I have the synopsis website so I can read from there.. tku.
Story, too short to scrolled.. Can the author please post more 3-4 chapters at once.. Love this story very much.. frustrated, reading short ones..
Nice and interesting story.. Love this storybook very much.. Please update the new chapter as soon as possible.. Kindly update 2-3 chapters at one time. Thank you.
Hi readers.. Sorry, unable to continue this story for the time-being as I need to look after my very sick mother-in-law.. I will resume writing once my mother-in-law got better.. Thank you for choosing this story.. Stay safe n Stay blessed..
Thanks fr d.update.. can v hv 2 chapters instead of 1 chap.. sorry fr greediness.. stay safe.
When's the next update.. anxiously waiting for it..
Up to you, its your choice.. I have translated based on what written on the original book.. Thank you.
I have read the Mandarin version, quite good story.. just be patience, I'm trying to publish as much chapter(s) as I can.. Thank you fr yr interest..
Coming soon, please be patience.. n thank you for reading this novel, I have hard times translating as I'm not well-verse with Mandarin.. I apologized for any delays.. Happy reading!
No.. still searching..