Daoist Venerate Heavenly Egg. Consume Heavenly Beast eggs. Defeat all foe. Conquer fair maidens. A dominating show. Bow to me. Not once, twice. Fair maiden. Bow to me in bed then suck my yolky rice.
Power Couples XD!!!
I must not have much years left then...
Bro he is in class where the teacher is explaining the stages, just take it as the narrator refining it to give us more information, idk about you but occasionally I like to think about the world in between chapters and the knowledge of how the cultivation system works makes it easier to do that.
Its probably a bad translation as the rest don’t seem mystical, but they are what you would expect if the Government simplified cultivation to the point where everyone could understand it. Maybe its joint popping because your joints make a pop once they’ve reached that stage of being refined or the stage of being ready to be refined.
A tiger father does not create a dog son.
Villager Bob
EarlIer he said only some people have halos with fortunous opportunities, every has a halo, however only some halos show a opportunity on this day. It is like life, people that are normal are not very luck everyday of their lives. They may not even have a fortuitous encounter once a year. I believe the author is signifying that the MC didn’t ecounter as many luck people as he expected as most of the people going are commoners, with even fewer having an expected good luck occurrence. A possible reason is that like most forms of gambling the ore stone gamblimg is severely rigged with most opportunities already taken.
I don’t think this is a typo, I did the math and 1% of 14 billion is in the hundreds of millions.
Haha, finally I have come across brothers on the Dao of Precise Beauty Ranking. Too many a time have I heard jests, “5.41/10?” “What do you mean?” “WTF?” and “Precise, aren’t we?”