Just a lonely glasses toting uncle...
I'm calling it now. This is probably gonna get dropped. I can smell it from a mile away. A lot of my faves get dropped by Webnovel, so I have prior experience. If even TTNH got dropped, this probably won't last 500 chapters. It would be nice if I was proven wrong, but at this rate, my claim still stands.
I'm gonna make a prediction now: This novel will be dropped eventually. Once the money doesn't come in, it won't last. So I will read while preparing to be sorely disappointed. Many great novels have been tossed to the back burner in the past. This probably won't be any different. Don't hold on to hope guys. If it doesn't end up being abandoned, then that would be great. But I'd rather be a prepared pessimist than a disillusioned optimist.
C'mon guys. They'll pick whatever makes the most money. Even if there are a lot of great novels with fresh plots and characters out there, most readers (who are either edgy teens or have the mental age of one) would pay for the generic sh*t anyway. And that would toss all those unique and engaging novels down the drain - never to see the light of day again. Webnovel readers be like: Plague Doctor? Pshhh. What the f*** is that? That sounds so boring. Gimme my OP badass murder-happy harem collecting MC!