Word to Eins:I like your FF, they're full of potentials, but... maybe with all that popularity built on EPIC you become conceited? Maybe it's time..."When numerous individuals consistently highlight an issue that you are oblivious to, perhaps it is time to turn your attention inward and reflect upon yourself.""When others repeatedly hold up a mirror to your blind spots, it's an invitation to self-examination rather than a chance to deflect blame." "If multiple voices converge to point out your shortcomings, it's an opportunity to embark on a journey of self-discovery and personal growth.""When the world echoes with the same observation about you, it's worth exploring whether their reflections hold grains of truth that you have yet to acknowledge.""Instead of dismissing the chorus of opinions, consider embracing the introspective path and allowing their perspectives to enlighten your own self-awareness.""When the voices of many highlight your flaws, don't brush them aside; take a moment to pause, listen, and discover the hidden aspects of yourself that still elude you.""When the opinions of others consistently intersect on the same subject, it's a signal to turn inward and delve into the depths of your own being.""The collective observations of others can serve as a compass, guiding you towards uncovering facets of your identity that may have previously eluded your conscious awareness.""Don't shy away from the uncomfortable truths reflected by those around you; embrace them as catalysts for personal reflection and transformation.""If the majority highlights a blind spot you've missed, it's time to muster the courage to confront yourself and embark on a journey of self-exploration.""When the world persistently points to a particular aspect of your character, it's an invitation to gaze inward and unravel the mysteries that lie within."
that novel was written by a woman. that's probably it
what the heck. it's chainsaw man all over again ... 💀
stop reading at chapter 394 in mtl. I'm gonna wait. review just to remind myself I stop at 394 haha
that's why in games some level 120 can kill level 130 players... because that level 20 have high raw stats or ability. depends on what game you playing
VOTW? please explain what this mean. thanks
probably housewife
ok but if the MC really got into trouble because of his face I will come back for you.