Because it isn't.
Problem with trials is: if you are implicated murder, and you can't prove self defense because you don't have money to burn, then you're just a murderer.
Wasn't she from around 300ish ch?
Problem with that is he made it an absolute that you can pick one every 3 mins by climbing trees and one would fall every 10 mins, it doesn't matter if it grows on trees or not, if it means meeting the conditions would get you the same outcome.
Yet you would still sin.
Well to be fair, humanity didn't wear clothes because it's appropriate. We covered up, because of embarassment of learning what is inappropriate.
It's selfishness being removed not sin.
Even though the mc is vulgar, the last thing you could define him is hypocrisy, when he did everything he wanted without concealment. He's prideful, a bit dumb, but he never lied nor showed anything against his moral beliefs.
Having fillers are good, but having them after a cliffhanger is a no go. Also, we haven't even connected to that girl, she haven't even done anything and you gave her a flashback. 😐