too much novels to read 😂
everything is good up to chapter 1300. after that, translation is a mess. characters name and gender are inconsistent so it's really hard to understand the story. it's like the translation team just rushed to the ending and get it done with. what a waste of a good novel.
See this! I just gifted the story: Ice cola
please update soon
it says that I've reached the end of my FREE preview so I have to buy the whole book if I want to proceed, like what???? I literally pay for every single coin I spent on this book and it definitely is not free, at all. so now I'm stuck at chapter 388.
I want to read this novel again after a long time but I can't open a chapter at a time, it says I have to purchase the whole book if I want to read it and it cost about 1500++ coins. smh
Xiang family's art of giving candies
what's with the new update??? all of my unlocked chapters are GONE!!!! what the heck. is it because of webnovel system or author? I can't believe I spent so much coins for nothing. smh
covid, is that you? 😱