Sujiro Kifuja kkkk mano, isso é muito coisa de BR. Mais que isso só o Shota Nakama kk
At most, the brother there is writing a text and asking the AI to correct the spelling or adjust the text. So let the guy do his hobby. Plus he gives it out for free, so stop annoying him.
The story is good... but the translation is terrible. For no reason at all, dialogue appears that doesn't fit into the narrative, abrupt cuts in the story, characters' names changing. I really wanted to keep reading, but with these problems it's difficult to read.
aversion to reading something with an MC like that
Good translation, my friend... Although the story has some good ideas, the shitty MC ruins any desire to read the rest of the story. I can't describe how irritating I found this MC.
It's just my personal opinion, the story is good, well written, a few mistakes here and there, but nothing too extreme. I enjoyed following and seeing the reactions of the original characters to the MC, which makes me feel a bit mild, it would just be the personality of the MC, who rarely says anything or expresses emotions.
It's a little strange and funny how the MC claims to know about Naruto's future, but when he sees Tsunade with a daughter, he doesn't think it's strange and no suspect anything.