Huh, I forgot this was a thing, well all I’m here to do is say that, PEACE WAS NEVER AN OPTION!
I-I-I’m sorry did you just OwO me.
Dun worry bout it just do as much as you can.
It says caption rather than captain
I would stay away from there and not touch it with. 32 and a 1/2 foot pole as that place is a death trap when alexander comes by it due to the fact he has what was it 100k soldiers?
Why do you make a review in english when this story is written in I think Indonesian. I may be wrong about that though.
I honestly can’t see any of the insults attempted and failed otherwise, used in real life, I mean holy ****, I have never heard someone get insulted because of what kind of religion is around the area they come from. And really? “You better not bring a golden idol to class” really? I’m sure that you could’ve come up with a better insult then that also “Asian hicks” that... who actually used that as an insult, I know I know I am nit picking but, these guys are an insult to all bullies/classmates out there with those type of insults.
Its an unneeded comment
Ok, so I love the bookand all but I have one complaint, your using future knowledge where it really isn’t needed, theres no need to tell us irina will become a angel.
Wait, hol up, You were being sarcastic weren’t you. Internet sarcasm is hard.