I can't help but roll my eyes every time the slingshot is mentioned it's so lame.
He's going to school with 12 year olds
Seeing him instantly buying a technique to hide cultivation is disappointing since it's incredibly boring and cliche. Hiding in these novels is so lame to read about.
This was really good. I've never seen a Yu Gi Oh based chat room before. I have no real issues apart from updates which don't seem to be consistent. I also like the choice of people for the chat room some I have never seen before Like Bylthe.
honestly, the story is some what interesting but the translation...Asking to be paid for this level of translation is wild to me.
why is Little Fairy Doctor literally everyone but herself... There's even two Xuners at one point.
This is so stupid...
This whole fight has been ridiculous in the worst way.
This goes downhill pretty quickly. With a weak-willed MC, annoying loli who is also a burden to his cultivation and annoying female characters. Overall it starts okay but the moment he meets Zhu Zhuqing it starts falling off.