what about the gold silver brothers? you only need to dig up their graves
how thick are the books??? unless its more like a magazine than a book i doubt you can seriously read a whole book in a day not to mention 3, lazy writing by the author......
up to now a pretty typical apocalypse setting description nowhere near "more dangerous than any fic world i read or heard about" unless you only read slice of life fics......
the story itself is a a pretty typical wizard world novel with some nice elements such as reborn in a game world, a decent cheat and what could have been a good worldbuilding. but the glaring problem is the translation, although its very readable and there is no translation mistakes in terms of grammar but there is constant changes in names of power levels, characters and places which is arguably worse as its immersion breaking and confusing for some one trying to read this thing continuously. basically this translation is super lazy, its obvious the poster didn't even bother reading the chapters he posts himself as the mistakes in the translation are the glaring annoying type that are easy to recognize and honestly easy to fix if you invest a few minutes per chapter. in summary with proper translation this could be a 4-4.5 star novel depending on taste and on reading experience but the lazy translation makes it annoying to read so 3 star at best.
this translation is super lazy, its obvious the poster didnt even bother reading the chapters he posts himself as the mistakes in the translation are the glaring annoying type that are easy to recognize and honestly easy to fix if you invest a few minutes per chapter.
actually the only demerit is that panthers move differently than horses so it might take specialized saddles and some training to make the knight get used to fighting on them, on the other hand the benefits are enormous since the panther are stronger, dont feel fear and are completely obedient unlike horses
disgusting..... saying stuff like this out loud is merely virtue signaling, he can think this to himself and act on this when he can (although i dont really like this type of MC) but saying this out loud is just disgusting and serves no purpose
there is a reason lawyer belongs to the "chaos" pathway and not "order"
one of the strongest seer pathway powers is to control others..... this novel develops pretty underwhelmingly, why introduce some omnipotent ass-pulled meditation scripture? if you want to give him hypnotic abilities just give him a beyonder item of the visionary pathway or just make him take that pathway and not seer as till now he uses hypnotism and guns more than seer abilities, and now you tell us he doesn't want to control others destiny which is the main point of the seer pathway?