Why do the chinese have such a penchant for dramatism farce?
Hi, author! Can I talk to you for a minute?
Where is the cuck author at? I want to reply to his comment by calling him a cuck.
Did people back in 85 BC even know what "trillion" was?
Eh, wasn't that the age people got married back then anyway? Wait was marriage even a thing back then? They might've just cohabitated without any kind of ceremony... I'm not much for history so idk.
So we now know that the Author is a cuck. I shall refer to the Author as "cuck" from this point onward.
Wouldn't it be better to manipulate the person you have blackmail on? I'm confused. If you are going to write a period drama, you need to at least follow the period. I'm certain there is sucking up to royalty back in this time period, but this man clearly has more nefarious plans. It would be much better to use them as a scapegoat than to give them an alibi.
Yeah, because if he did, his head would probably become acquainted with a whicker basket.
Yet apparently unworthy of having a name.
Is this chapter relevant in the story in any meaningful way? Because it completely ruins the interest I had from the first chapter. I don't understand why Authors try and be fancy when they are unskilled. Just follow a plotline, stop trying to do stuff you aren't able to do properly.