I am The Best
yeah gotcha kkkkkk
Did we cut them down? Are you okay man? These trees ceased to exist long before humans started cutting down trees for real, stop blaming us for everything, damn it
great way to make him abandon konoha you old fucking idiot
For me it is so obvious that the two clans or at least Lugos is in collusion with the cult and until now no one has confirmed the hypothesis, disappointing
probably they couldn't observe the fight against Alduin since it was in a kingdom of the Aedra like Sovengard and there they have no power, just speculating, besides don't forget we are talking about Meridia and Molag Ball two of the most arrogant Daedras
Well, I'm already sick of this story, but good luck, author.
and is there anything more forced than that? it's basically a love potion made by eru, it literally took away any kind of choice the mc could have and you still have the nerve to call it not forced? have more respect