I want a simple peaceful life, novels and books is the way to go with smoke coffee breaks.
Hello, if i buy on patreon the legendary trainer membership, are the newest chapters unlocked only while membership is active or i continue to see newer chapters even aftwr the month?
Completely understandable that it wont change instantly, just wanted to mention these points for consideration as some of them were a bit frustrating from time to time. And no matter how it goes, I still loved the novel and personally its one of the best pokemon fanfics ive read and hope it will continue to be so :)
I blasted through this novel in a week, but its definitely a slow one, i did not mind when it was chapters with something happening in them, thou the story does need to increase the pace atleast a tad as otherwise it doesnt seem to move at times at all. My advice would be to: 1. The chapters where he is hunting pokemon for utopia to fasten, can maybe say once about his method to recruit actions during one tribe and then just summarize his gains and move with the story. 2. Battles that are not really important are already shortened always like the ones in his duke club upgrading part which was good and should be kept like that. 3. Journeys between gyms etc should probably be fastened and when exploring some places to not make 10 or more chapters about some ruins with talking about pokedex and about pokemons he doesnt see etc as that was really not enjoyable. 4. Harem is definitely not good for this story as it is already very slow, so now imagine having to write chapters about 10 girls etc which would make novel not move at all storywise which would honestly be horrible. Id say youd be better of just deciding on 1 girl who can keep up with him that got blessed or introducing another genius(nee FL) or blessed one that will actually atleast partially not be a nuisance a hinder during his journey. I know that people want harem but it just makes me genuinenly worry then that the story would utterly stop moving. 5. Sometimes author skips over globally cool pokemon like ceruledge instead of actually adding 1 to his roster, just for the wow factor when he uses it to write public/global opinions in the mc etc. 6. Stop wasting word count on every pokemon for celebration, it this point he should only celebrate once a week, party for all pokemon together for the lucky ones for their breakthrough and lessen the descriptions and info dumps after each and everyone of them as im sure most people just skip them for the most part as there are too many pokemon. 7. People want the story to move a bit faster sometimes, example you already showed strong gym battles, you can now skip 3-4 of them to make story move faster, so could just sunmarize he went there beat that, used that fought that got the badge. 4 paragraphs for 4 gyms/towns which makes it few month time skip, whicj automatically makes the story progress including his pokemon etc. then can mention his gains during the travels in between thos without going to exttemely lengthy details. Anyway it expanded more that i thought it would. Just though id share some of my thoughts that would help the story move more since with the pace its going id say this story would need 15chapters weekly or to make people stay more active in reading it, because now there is no point to read it unless theres a minimum of sth like 20 or more chapets with its pace and if the chaptwr invole the ones like "new pokemons!" Of pokedex info its even worse. Dont take anything the wrong way i just thought some of these points would probably help the novel move more in moving at slow yet decent pace. As someone who lets stories marinate until theres like 500+ new chapters, it still felt not enough with the pace. So im gonna say that i still love the story and appreciate how much work the author puts in and I hope he continues to do so and will continue to make the story great and interesting! Thank you author!
MC should make arena in between habitats or just public arenas for all utopians to fight and get battle experience, few different arenas for all stages as well some for interstage challenges for tallented to test themselves etc use incentive of those are to create leagues where stronger more tallented or hardworking ones would fight similar ones, this way the talented fought talented and the less fortunate would not get crushed as easily. then he could also use the overseers of their habitats/species make tournaments etc since he has enough resources for that to even reward utopians. Anyway some sort of more arenas for utopians to practice battles among themselves would be good, they would be motivated to train more id think
I know he will be powerful, but he should have a list, a blacklist of all people and races he needs to make some payback, atleast i would personally have a list 😅
I really hope so, i never liked first sage, so him even getting an up irks me even knowing he is cabable of more
Im still salty about this, i wanted the dragon clone to stay 🥲
At this point theyre loosing way too much on almost every turn and are completely exposed and it is extremely annoying to read a loss after loss and without any payback
Didnt first sage technically now impede the realm war for high heaven since it made legion unable to contribute as much???
Thanks, atleast now i finally can look forward to it after hoping for it for way too long 😅