love light novel, love webnovel, love Fantasy novel, the dream is to meet truk-kun and be reincarnated in harry potter world.
Sure!! just send me a link so I can see it too...
Are you using ChatGpt to edit the chapters? The mechanical-sounding sentences seem familiar....
Hmm.... Maybe its climate change... Why don't you check how the Polar Bears are doing there? Hehe!!!!
Ahh...Umm... Sir! I think it was supposed to work the other way...
Betterment of the world... not himself... The hardest choices require the strongest wills...
Famous last words...
A flu took all your savings? Man! that would take away all the motivation to save again...
The eastern side already has the White harbour so another port in not required but the whole Western side of the North doesn't have a single proper one and from the Western side you could access cities like lannisport, Oldtown and the likes... Thank you for reading...