AI created this
Zhi are the children of Shi, Cheng are the children of Zhi.
Yeah just been a bit busy with life
Yeah. It’s literally said they remain their neutrality earlier. I acknowledged that, this is more of an emotional rant. Please pay attention.
You can’t do everything by yourself.
Sure, Im gonna continue this soon just been deal with things for my upcoming deployment
Mostly on at a time
If You remember my old work The Path of A Great Sovereign, this is its rewrite! PoaGS was a depression outlet that honestly helped a lot but I didn't expect it to get popular so I was overwhelmed with what to do and how to do it, so I will, of course, keep the essence of the original but fix the plot holes and story. :)
Search for ’The Path of Greatness’ tbh I always hated the way i wrote this story so will be doing a full rewrite.
My friend group from when i graduated hs back in 2015 has gotten wayy smaller. because my friends have died. In fact 2 of my friEnds died recently in that bombing That killed 13 Marines in afgan…its really hard man