just a chill guy here to enjoy some novels/fanfiction
everone in china hates the athour of doulou because he was close to the cp and hes the one who got them to crack down on books and there rules him and a few of his friends who were jealous of the reverand insanity author so with there pull they got the cp to crack down and make rules for books getting him banned also doulou was written by his wife not him after she died thats why the stories got much worse later
considering the veil exists plausible
chinese fic alchemy is potions
which is what harry potter magic is as seen by accidental magic and wandless magic
i imagine harry got something from the deal
except the theory makes sense in this world as souls are proven real magic is energy so qi and the body is your body so ye
nah i stopped back then because the mc in his stories did start getting ntred he did the wierd thing with sirzechs in the kuro fic then in the remake of the shiro one he made those dolls which i see as ntr
hey i commented on someone elses story can you go to my profile and reply to it and spoil the time plot once i got to that in the mtl i immediatly lost interest i dont want you to have to post it here so as not to spoil others but i rlly liked this and i want to possibly get my interest back so can you spoil it for me on my profile by replying on a different story