

2018-02-16 加入Argentina




  • Chori35
    Chori3513 hours ago

    Thanks for the chapters. I see your works and I like your evolution, I think your way is good, you write better and better, don't worry 10/10

  • Chori35
    Chori355 days ago

    Thanks for the chapters. What hard have girlfriend in this world xd

  • Chori35
    Chori356 days ago

    Thanks for the chapter, amazing adventure all the days xd

  • Chori35
    Chori359 days ago

    Yey thanks for the chapter. I like but dont like nobody xd. Go nerubians

  • Chori35
    Chori3510 days ago

    Amazing, this novel is too weird for me but i am still looking xd. Thanks for the chapter. I cant stop think about onde world like this, Is bad Is good)? For normal family i guest Is bad, in another time before the world can be like this? And now Is More normal?

  • Chori35
    Chori3514 days ago
    回復 QuiteSarcastic

    Well for me from a "population" point of view, they are nefarious leaders and characters because they killed a lot of their population when they led them, not to mention that in other times when they had the power to make changes such as after the seal of an ancient god was released and seeing the failures of only depending on the druids, they did nothing. And after they made a lot of disasters where elves die, Tyrande goes out to house Illidan and a lot of elves die during that campaign and on top of that Illidan comes out alive and well, then Maiev follows him and finally dies along with a lot of elves. Maybe I'm more systematic in some ways and see roles and duties in a fixed way, Maiev trains warriors/assassins/guardians/jailers. Tyrande comes and kills his sisters, he leaves unpunished, Illidan leaves, he gains a terrifying power, he destroys a portion of the forest (which was well done because the satyrs had corrupted it), he leaves calmly and when Maiev arrives he gets bad words from Malfurion for wanting to hunt down Ilidan, added to the fact that he can't do much to Tyrande for killing his sisters. Well, even before Chico Maiev, no matter how crazy she was, she was a victim of Tyrande and Malfurion, she killed her and then went around crying that her sisters were also dying and Malfurion cried a lot but he cared very little when other elves died. Tyrande to a certain extent I can understand some actions but her good intention ends badly and applies perfectly to the phrase "The road to hell is paved with good intentions"

  • Chori35
    Chori3514 days ago
    回復 QuiteSarcastic

    Well, it sounds more understandable because you said that, although many of the events that occur during the Warcraft games have their reasoning and are further expanded on in the lore that, by the way, has undergone many changes, many decisions of the night elves as a result of the queen's betrayal that was corrupted either by the legion or by the old god, it leaves a bad precedent and the elves are divided, at that time Malfurion or Tyrande did not have much relevance as young people, but the illidan takes a lot of risks and participates in the very important fall of the queen, in any case it goes against customs and they take him for betrayal, since your brother does not take you out of there or try to appeal it is already a lot and they only return when problems occur and they can use it, added to the fact that between the time they recover after the invasion of the legion and the exiled magician elves abandoning Kalimdor, an ancient god seal is released and they coincidentally learn it. Which is not having a base in the arcane and being weak since only druids do not solve a matter like this, they do not learn, when there are various problems they play at staying locked up at home, Maiev does not get along with Tyrande because 1 he frees illidan and 2 he killed his sisters who were guarding the prison, I mean a lot, Illidan comes out and wanted to erase the satyrs and in the end they also cut that plan, another of Malfurion is for ignoring the arcane or magic, so to speak, wants to go full nature, instead of destroying corruption as it should be and then supporting the power of nature, full in the old method and does not want to change.

  • Chori35
    Chori3516 days ago

    Lmao live too many time and dead like that F. Thanks for the chapter

  • Chori35
    Chori3517 days ago
    回復 BeetleReUs

    ?, still weak, cant enter in azeroth and Max Is semi not a god when stay with tyrande