I’m batman
Is about to begin. Sorry for the delay
To be honest, at this point i wouldnt be mad if you decide to make gojo a woman and get together with the MC
cara, eu não sou ninguém pra decidir por vc mais, pra mim una novela que não é harem de Danmachi é muito melhor que uma que sim.
Hermano, escribo en español en caso seas de habla hispana. De verdad amaria si Zenith y Paul nunca se reconciliasen. Digo, sería ilógico y estupido el reconciliarse con un persona que te fue infiel, te falto el respeto siempre viendo otras mujeres e incluso te intento viola*. Por el contrario, seria hermoso si Orsted se quedara con Zenith. Despues de todo, Orsted cuido y se preocupo durante un tiempo por ella. Me encantaria que ellos quedasen juntos pues seria una trama interesante e increíble de ver. Orsted al fin podria experimentar lo que es el amar y ser amado. Y viendo como de fiel y comprometido es Orsted, Zenith al fin podria saber lo que es ser amada por alguien que solo se fija en ti y nunca te traicionaria. Digo seria genial e divertido el ver al ser más poderoso del mundo asusto y preocupado por no hacer enojar a su mujer…
Brother, I would truly love if paul never reconcile with Zenith. Instead, after knowing how Orsted took care of Zenith it would be a really plot twist if Orsted and Zenith ends together. In that way Orsted would finally experience “love” in his life. And seeing how Orsted is a reaaaaally serious and comitted guy, Zenith would finally how it feels to be with someone who loves only you and won’t never betray you.
So now i have 2 theories of why he said that. 1. He is a afraid of MC reaching his maximum potential and then go play for his home country. 2. He is afraid that unlike the original where everyone evolved bc their level was similar, Our MC may reach his maximum potential faster than expected and destroy everyone to such a point that it erases their ego completely.
if you need any help with the Japanese hit me up.