Adoro ler
I wanted to know why people don't use the male version as much, like in appearance he's handsome, not to mention powerful and has a good story and personality.
Is the MC's personality being influenced by genetic changes?
Marvel has had direct connections with DC, and even other universes have had contact through games and things like that. This allows things like Venom to be plausible, about creating a different family, especially with another man's child, in certain circumstances, especially depending on the woman, this is acceptable. The problem is that today many, many women want to do this for some kind of scam or to take advantage, or they take it as if it were the man's obligation, in this story it is different, the entire construction of this family was based on and not harmful.
Maguineto in current stories and films is very weak, he was once able to create space wormhole portals, improve physical and mental capabilities through maguinetism, so many other things... but none of this is shown, he only depends on metal control... it's sad, honestly.
Electric attacks can strengthen the Maguineto
Although I disagree, humans do not need something to truly put them in danger to fear, envy and covet something, but regardless of that, Maguineto needs to pay for what he did.
One piece of advice, there are sources of powers or abilities that are natural to Marvel that can be useful. Super soldier serums, extreme viruses, heart-shaped herb, use of Kulum's ky, maybe more things, but these would be great things and not so difficult to have.
Being a Hero in their model sucks, it's better to be an anti-hero or be inspired by classical heroes like the Greeks or even from other places, in these heroes the blood of evil was not lacking, unlike these modern heroes, I'm not talking about killing for minor crimes, but certain things deserve the punishment that is due.
Mutant, the x gene does not make the person stop being a human as a basic race, to justify him being half something else he must be like another race, like a semi-God or angel, devil, Atlantean, anything like that.