A semicolon is used when an author could've chosen to end their sentence, but chose not to.
A break that is soon to end. Thank you for the lovely review.
A break that's about to end. I will resume uploading by next week. Thank you for waiting, and I apologize for the temporary pause.
The novel never had a harem theme or poly relationships or whatsoever. This interaction/chapter was to show that relationships don't always work out the way we think they would, and that sometimes people are hurt more by knowing that the other person never even loved them to begin with. I also don't believe that Emma was wrong, just delusional to wait for someone who didn't bother to ask about her. Her character is going to witness a lot of development as a result. Thanks for reading till here! Keep going please!
1400 chapters and still no harem in sight >:)
I have no desire to drop this book. I'm facing a little bit of a writer's block in the story, and I honestly don't want to force it.
Also thank you for pointing it out!!!
Sorry about that I honestly have no idea how that happened xD
That made me laugh. No, that wouldn’t happen. A love interest is just someone who might develop feelings for the main character or the opposite, but wouldn’t end up together. I include these unfulfilled loves to keep add depth to the characters instead of just letting them serve a role and disappear.
The current events are six months before the main story begins. He is living the prequel, not the main storyline.