You probably should read the author notes from the past chapters... a really tragic Situation happened.
Be happy that this isnt Still on hiatus, after what happened... I already have 2 authors that Have just disappeared after saying they are taking a break because of some situations on their end.
My condolences go out to true_seeker and his family. It is going to be real tough loosing a loved one, I can’t do much except keeping my patreon sub running through these Rough times. Take as much time as you need, I will wait even if it takes two months or three.
Here i am skipping about 40% of all Kiba chapters, because i am only invested into the story :D my hope still remains for a reboot with a bit less smut, its getting more and more smut the past 3 months. I dont care about there being 10-20% smut content, but more i do not need. But well my patreon subscription keeps on running eitherway, i can deal with a book that is only at about 60% interesting to me if the plot is as good as this one.