U just sent a powerful obscurous to the guy who slandered u like wrapped up gift. No wonder ur shown the most stupid minister in books, and movies and fanfics.
Rly? Just the sheer utility of thunder god teleportation makes him join lvl
Just sell this to village. U will get the money.
Thts not logical for a cheat like bio chip. Why? Coz it's just information getting inserted. Now u could divide any Scrolls into multiple scrolls and do it bit by bit. Not bashing u author. If u want to do this way. Add some tweaks to make it logical.
Kakashi would never in million years care abt this.
Seriously consider how old u already are. Even if u win. U would rule for at most 5 years in which time u would destroy everything to prolong ur lifespan which is obvious.
Ehh. Any experienced ninja would had said no to the brutal training required tbh. Not the death penalty.