Shy but talk a lot sometimes if interest 😂😛😜 well hummm like reading novels!!! Mostly Chinese Wuxia and some manga too
ugh 😫 stop been delicate !!
it feels like he's playing a double game!!
oh yeah she's at fault for her overconfidence
repeated chapter
author is exaggerating !! it's his own child yet he get jealous of his own child!! seriously 😒 that's too much
ughhh 😫😩😫 it's her own child fxxxk off!!
you are just useless 🪴 pot!! only thing you know is holding your wife!! such a burden ! never thinking about your family just about your duty as a solider!! last time you went on mission came back comatose this time came back amnesiac 🙄🙄🙄🙄😩😩🙄 just useless I don't see the need of ml in this story!! just to give her the child and burden her
ugh 😩😫 just tell what would it do you?? I really don't like the ML
these kind of thought by ml just annoyed me and put me off when reading ! they like to discard their child especially if it's a baby boy ! come on it's not funny nor romantic ,.
you only come home once a few month and you want your son to be independent 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄 typical male lead chauvinist behavior or should I said stupid testosterone behavior as he only think about holding his wife!! never thinking about how she struggles alone raising his child and studying