Awesome, super excited for more! Riser (or is it Raiser) is one of my favorite insert-type characters since the drastic character change ends up being really exciting for in-universe character reactions.
Probably cause its google Translated from russian : Наруто - Тень водоворота The original author has 7 books with about 750k words each. Decently long fic pretty good.
Translated from : Наруто - Тень водоворота The original author has 7 books with about 750k words each. Decently long fic pretty good. Translated from : Наруто - Тень водоворота The original author has 7 books with about 750k words each. Decently long fic pretty good.
Very similar to Meddling Giant By: cloud9stories another Hagrid insert fic. Keep up the good work. Writing Quality 15/5 Stability of Updates ? Story Development 15/5 Character Design 25/5 World Background 35/5
Great translation! Does anyone know the chinese name, so I can look up the raws. Please, thank you. [img=update]
Awesome 👌 love it. Does anyone have the mtl? I wanna read ahead 🫡 . Thanks for any replies. Please 🙏 link mtl Please 🙏 link mtl Please 🙏 link mtl Please 🙏 link mtl Please 🙏 link mtl Please 🙏 link mtl
I'm giving 5 stars cause you linked the RAWs, too many translators trying their best to hide it and sell locked chapters. Anyways good job.