The goal of staying with the man must overcome the downsides of sharing the man with other women. So if everyone's goal is to spend the guy's money and have a stable life that is supported, then who cares who else he sleeps with. If the goal is to have a monogamous relationship, then obviously a harem doesn't work. So women ARE willing to share, if the man is good enough. If she's not sharing, then you aren't worth it lol.
Really fun and really good. There is some teen drama with the romance, but you are also writing about teens, so you are gonna get teen drama. MOAR MOAR MOAR MOAR MOAR MOAR MOAR MOAR MOAR MOAR MOAR MOAR MOAR MOAR MOAR MOAR MOAR MOAR MOAR MOAR MOAR MOAR MOAR MOAR MOAR MOAR MOAR MOAR MOAR MOAR
it's literally just a mushroom that used to be literal pig's feed.
Common sense is just Tzeentch planting thoughts into your mind. Don't think, believe in the Emperor.
Stories of Hope and Progress in 40k really gets the blood and patriotism going. Only in the darkest and grimmest world can the bright light of hope shine through. And since it's fanfiction, we won't have that light snuffed out prematurely like we do in normal 40k books. And that's why 40k fanfics are better than the actual books.
AND that's why you get labeled a heretic the moment any imperial psyker come to visit. I am sure that is totally going to go down well in the future and not cause any problems at all. Kappa
Prince of Pleasure, She who thirsts. Male and Female, that's pretty hermaphroditic to me.
Just to let you know, there is already a PAID for version on this site I think from Qidian (who owns webnovel.com) itself. Not sure but just be careful lol.
The wife is probably the daughter of someone in his own political faction. You don't be beat up your own team unless you want a knife in the back.
So he is literally God incarnate on the physical plane of reality. Boring lol.