Universe-tier writer. I like making and reading beautiful and cute things. I also violently misuse words as appropriate.If you grew since I rated your novel, and needa raise your rating, reply to it.
? I remember the last time it was brought up you said about 150 days left. Not sure how long it's been since then, is all.
Nice reference. I still don't understand why he's using Alexis' ability instead of his own for this. .still on cool down? Can he change his mind later? It wouldn't matter except his is obviously stronger in evolution potential. I think.
Pretty good honestly. I think there were a few uncorrected grammatical errors, but nothing particularly notable. It's the type of story I enjoy, and it's well written.
Ehhh .. Really they should have invested a few silver in better wheel barrows designed not to tip. Maybe with two wheels. Because this was inevitable.
Have you never heard of the question mark?
Decimate is a great word. It sounds very cool. But it means to reduce by one tenth, and is thus not appropriate for many situations.