See this! I just gifted the story: Ice cola
Toxic behaviour for a mother....shouldnt she be focusing on preparing the children emotionally for whatever is to come as opposed to projecting her own disagreements on them
or get the system to help out
Sometimes I wonder if this is the author projecting on us... Ves, please grow a pair and get your house in order
? Abit of an overreaction no?
there is always a choice..... why try and gain some points when he would lose it all if she tries and backstabs him and succeeds
Now all thats left is for the experience to cause the pilot to breakthrough to an expert candidate
I thought Ves could communicate telepathically throught the network?
Its not so much about him having bottom lines he puts his foot down on, its more about having a healthy relationship where both parties respect one another. For all their vaunted intellect and professed love for one another, I find it kinda unreal how dismissive and condescending Gloriana can be towards Ves's opinions whilst at the same time conveniently ignoring the fact that much of what she has, be it in terms of opportunities or abilities was given to her by him. Besides her mech designer specialities, what value add does she have to Ves? Aisling or Ketis would have been far better choices imo. TBH this is the only part of the novel that I find a turn off, Glorianna is just bitchy and baselessly proud, and now she has a bitchy and baslessly proud cat who scorns even her own creator, if Ves's daughter ends up following the same trend I might just take à hiatus and binge read a year later. Maybe all this is the author trying to slowly setup a case for ves and queen bitch to split up later in the story (which i kinda hope but hope not).