Huh? why are you looking at my profile for?...weirdo....😒
He should get a 'Quirk' that acts as a passive 'Meta Defence'..... 1. Information Defence - Hides the user from all Quirks that gather information about anything user has(Memories/Thoughts,Emotions,Destiny,Past,Present,Future,Quirks,Lies,Body-Reactions...ect...) 2. Meta Defence - the user is immune to • Power Negation/Suppression • Power Thief • Power Copying • Power Modifications(Non-Consenting) • Power Analysis/Observation • Power Exchange/Swapping • Power Manipulation/Control/Rebellion 3. Adaption - Increases the Adaptability of the user to the "Extreme" to all things (Hostile Environments,Pressure,Killing Intent,Body Damage,Too Many QUIRKS...ect..)
I think the one your looking for is...[(Minato may have been your father but he ain't your daddy)]
code name's;1. "Enigma"2. "Anomaly"3."Ouroboros"4."Avatar"5."Shinigami"6."Void"7."Shadow"8."Sentry"9."Loki"10."Mr Nobody"
Why doesn't he Upgrade the 'Black Stone'??
Rewrite please.(And NO Nerfing this time)
lol~ the snake-sages explanation is going to confuse the h*ll out of Anko....especially since the one time Anko asked Mizuki who he 'loves' and he said 'kaguya'.......its gonna sound like he was saying he only loves himself....!!🤣😂
I hope after this time-skip training, the MC and Kyouka have gotten a lot stronger.... MC training results: • Massively Increased Stamina • Moderately Increased Base Stats • 3 Mastered Martial Arts • Able to make low-grade 'permanent' cards Kyouka training results: • Mastered a Martial Arts that let her use her 'quirk' more effectively( Ty lee(Chi -Blocking)(ATLA) + Hinata Hyuga(Gentle fist)(Naruto) + Acupuncture & Pressure points techniques) • able to use 'concentrated sound blasts' from her earphones jacks. • Moderate increase in 'speed' 'agility' 'flexibility' and 'pinpoint accuracy'. • able to use 'Echolocation' at anytime with her quirk. • strengthen her quirk, by lifting weights with them. • Increased 'range' and 'control' of her quirk.
small mistake; 'Jiro' is the family name........"Kyoka" her first name....