Preach brother!
Ooohhhh, we can slit his throat this time? Or melt him in a cauldron? Like breaking bad? Ooohhhh we can feed him to those weird scorpion things hagrid has, wait i can do one better, uhhhh, transform him into a pepper and feed him to fawkes... Wonder if ita gonna give fawkes acid reflux due to how oily that pepper was? Shower thoughts
Fuck i knew there was something wrong with your words! I have to get deadpool in on this... Btw this is just for the grammar usage, seeing you writing again brings manly sweat to my eyes... Def not crying... Nope...
Mercenary? Like a mix of the skills the guys have from expendables?
Much like momonga...
Smash [img=recommend]
I like this, i like the story a lot... Please continue this story, it is quite pleasing...