Chase your dream, but worship not Thy dream only meaningful through you and your realty.
Dude is really screwed now. I want to see how he would unscrew himself. Like his own word "in Arasaka counter intel, you are always fucked."
yeah, that too with the biggest strap on in her drawer.
do we get any snusnu down the line or what?
yeah, no. it was originally called red lifgt and developed as a bio-weapon targeting specific racial types and was tested in Hope, Idaho. then thing got out of control when zombies were created as side effect and finally found Elizabeth Greene as a compitable host. Black watch is a special division of army tasked with controling such outbreaks. They killed everyone in Hope and captured Elizabeth. later this virus was further weaponized and was renamed blacklight by Gentek.
me too
more like read enough in life to know better.
avian flu is no joke. they exist in real world you know.
it's the starting of an iconic piece from the game.
chrome is like the perfect drug. instant and permanent power. A place where power dictates everything it is extremely hard to scale down on chrome, specially when even a wealthy could die with a stray bullet to the brain and no amount of money in the bank account would bring you back to life.