Loves novels
hope the author dont let the protagonist forgive and forget.
he really has no int stat cause of his stupidity
70%chance is still high
why act suprised on the info knowned to them
yeah sometimes wrong words really made my head hurts when reading
is the extra stat temporary?
the stats are really all over the place 7 stats to add it only reach 10 when the stats was said to be 9 earlier
why is the attributes not what it was supposed to be like 5.2 in str 9 something in agi and 3 in spirit i dont get whats happening here
is this inspired by library of heavenly path?
this is just stupid why did the mom still follow the girl and why did the op tell his mom to never trust her and everything and leave out the detail of the divine doctor inheritance. he got all the skill to uproot the stupid problem but the author just let be.