cost him 10k in the shop, and then he resold them for 50k each
why does he have community work? is this some usa thing?
That's on me. After so many generic author reviews, I started skipping them, but yours was actually useful. Thanks for pointing it out, I will try reading again after some time has passed.
I was so bored and frustrated after the first 20ish chaps I couldn't bring myself to enjoy the story finally focusing on the mc. Some reviews say that the beginning is a non cliche masterpiece with well developed characters and world building, but if you've read even a couple of jp isekai novels, it's nothing new. I'm not going to say it's a direct copy of anything in particular, but so far, nothing is new or anything close to a masterpiece. Don't read the review', and maybe you won't be let down and can enjoy this more than I did...
build up his power over 100 chaps just to reach the normal level for his age and then undo it all AND make it harder just to get back to where he is... sure sounds really fun and not frustrating at all. Why not just start the story here and delete the rest..
so many people mad.. if you want to read a story with the exact magic system of Harry Potter, then just go read the original.. why come here spraying your spit everywhere. Thanks for the chap
he said to make the fake one Korean as well since he didn't think he could hide it...
the 2nd year's gave him over 20k as well for the herb etc
MTL locked at chapter 16... cyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
it wasn't explained what agility actually does. in some mmo's it's just melee crit and changes depending on your class, until we actually know what it does it could just be a useless filler stat in the author's mind... no idea