歡迎閱讀FanCiYuan的漫畫作品《Classroom of Despair》,最新章節更新和結束全本下載,涵蓋悬疑等風格類型。這本書主要講的是:What was thought to just be a boring voting game, suddenly turns into a tragedy when the students die one after another by jumping off buildings, outright suicide... No matter how ridiculous the task, one was required to execute it without question, else, the next one to die, could be me...The school bell rings, and the voting continues...
What was thought to just be a boring voting game, suddenly turns into a tragedy when the students die one after another by jumping off buildings, outright suicide... No matter how ridiculous the task, one was required to execute it without question, else, the next one to die, could be me... The school bell rings, and the voting continues...