
Bloodline of Dragons

作者: ChanJian/Da Tang Zhong Wen Wang(original novel) +D
已完結 · 1.9M 流覽
  • 90 章
  • 4.0
    30 評分
  • NO.200+

What is Bloodline of Dragons

歡迎閱讀ChanJian/Da Tang Zhong Wen Wang(original novel) +D的漫畫作品《Bloodline of Dragons》,最新章節更新和結束全本下載,涵蓋动作等風格類型。這本書主要講的是:In the land of Nine Dragons, Martial Artists are most respected. One’s “bloodline” decides how far he will go. The most powerful meridian is Dragon Bloodline! Jiang Ting had been bullied by his peers because of his low-rank bloodline. Accidentally, he started to cultivate his meridian under the help of his ancestors, swearing to make those bullies pay!


In the land of Nine Dragons, Martial Artists are most respected. One’s “bloodline” decides how far he will go. The most powerful meridian is Dragon Bloodline! Jiang Ting had been bullied by his peers because of his low-rank bloodline. Accidentally, he started to cultivate his meridian under the help of his ancestors, swearing to make those bullies pay!


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i cant give this a proper rating but from the first chapter it look really good i love the character design and the quality looking for to chapter 2.


I’ve wasted some fp to see if the MC is redeemable but was left utterly disappointed. It’s the art was good but the rest was not. Plot was the usual cliché that can be find anywhere. Mc was a complete disappointment. I understand if he was severely lacking at first. That’s what character developments are for. I get he was emotional and hot blooded. Loyal? A good person? Thinks of his family? OKAY. That’s alright. But what’s with his moronic decisions one after the other? He keeps on saying I’ll kill them all when he was agitated but killing next to none. His enemies always gets away scot-free with their “devious” scheming which I find baffling because of how simple and obvious those so-called ”schemes” were. Anyone with a brain could have think of it. Let’s say it was because the mc was the type that was easily gets agitated and blinded of reasons because of it. But what about after? There was no excuse for the mc’s stupidity. There’s no real character development. There’s nothing unique to the plot nor the mc. He was STUPID BEYOND REDEMPTION, became cowardly, helpless and powerless without the PLOT ARMOR. Plot armor always saves his pathetic self. Thus, my review would be… Art was passable . As long as it’s good enough I won’t rate it badly. Maybe around the middle 3 out of 5. I’ve seen better works. That’s why. Story development: there’s no great progress. Simple story telling that heavily relied on “mc halo” and plot armor. How to rate? 1? This is assuming 1 is the lowest possible rating. Character development: where’s the character development? I‘ve read it and looked it up even just to see if there’s a tiny hope of it existing somewhere, but NOPE! So… 1 again? In conclusion, the art was its saving grace. After thought: Reading so far in it left a bad taste and made one fully frustrated. I regretted reading it to pass the time. So I couldn’t really recommend it. But if you have a tough heart that can withstand stupid characters that left you always frustrated and just wanted to see the art then maybe this is for… you? Anyways, it’s not it for me. 🤦🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️😅


Only good thing is art...other than that... it's your typical xinxia...Mc has a great dad..he died..mc clan bully mc...mc got ntr...he gets an inheritance...an strong old man teacher spirit...a random girl shows up...an arrogant Ym shows up...mc saves the girl for no reason...and then I dropped it at that


I Cant really give a full review yet because there is only one chapter but from what I have seen so far is promising. It has a pretty intresting story and good art.


Your everyday run of the mill xiania , if u have read one you have read all, Don't waste your time on this. The mc is extremely one dimensional no intellect what so ever


i only wanted to read a comic for 10 minutes,and boom i got engrossed in it though i haven't been reading comics ,but i love this one,it really detailed and drawings are cool..thanks.


Not enough for a full review but the Art looks amazing and the story seems to have a good start. Look forward to seeing the next few chapters.


This review is written after reading all the free chapters. Drawing Quality: It's not bad, but not too good either. I'd say between the middle. 3/5 Story Development: Err, not that bad... well all the same as other novels. Nothing much added on. It's the same old cliché for me. 2/5 Character Design: Man.. the protagonist is just... very very very dumb. Around chapter 5 he blocked the attacks from some vicious wolves to protect a girl he met no more than 2-3 hours. Also there was this one scene where a guy breaks his father's grave... but when our protagonist finally beats the "bad guy", he just let him off with a warning... I mean, even if you aren't gonna kill him, atleast break his cultivation or something.. man breaking of graves is a serious offence and a great disrespect to the dead. Also another funny thing is when our protagonist warns the "bad guy", the "bad guy" still provokes our protagonist while leaving... this proves that even the side/mob characters have negative number of IQ. 0/5 Overall I won't recommend this novel/comic at all, for this is the same typical novels as other ones.


Although the beginning is a little confusing, the story later on starts to develop and becomes a very interesting plot. The idea and storyline are just original concepts. 10 out of 10, cuz it's an absolute banger


This book has been good so far and it had a good story, I am expecting to see more action scenes soon and also maybe some backflashes of his father, good book so far.


The drawing quality is excellent. The story is turning into a typical Chinese revenge story "you insult me by not dying when I tried to kill you" which I personally don't like. I will not continue reading this.


"This comic is an absolute disaster! The artwork is amateurish at best, resembling a child's doodles more than professional illustrations. The plot is convoluted and nonsensical, jumping from one random event to another with no coherence. The characters are one-dimensional and utterly forgettable. Save your time and avoid this train wreck of a comic at all costs!"


I love the story line, the character design...iits a fantastic story, love it.


It starts horrible but gets better, still pretty bad tho. Mc only prevails cuz of plot armor


Trash. In the start of the story he is surrounded by family members that treat him worse than a dog. They taunt him and cuck him. The typical that you can only see in stories like this. Around Chapter 6 I stopped reading. It was the cringiest thing I had seen in a couple of years. The MC tries to sacrifice himself for a girl he literally just met and was prepared to die for her. I thought I was going to barf in my mouth a little. I honestly can't believe someone would pay to read this comic.


really good overall and you can getboost in this story but feels kinda repetitive


perfection loved every chapter only complaint I have is it's a bit fast paced for some.




OMG 😳, this book has surpassed my expectations .Truly a very good book i highly recommend ❤️❤️


story moves so fast between each drawing that it looses any complexity or immersion that it could have. the drawings are just ok.



ChanJian/Da Tang Zhong Wen Wang(original novel) +D出版社