
Zerø: Chronicles of Time

The universe nears its end, and the war has no signs of stopping. After a careful consideration, Zyndra takes the matters to hand, and ends it once and for all. But, the aftermath of the battle made everything messed up, and everybody, now, is living in realms

AoiKiyori · 奇幻
83 Chs

Crest and Runes

"What's this?" Vin asked. He saw three odd-looking symbols floating their way to him.

"The First God's Crest." He pointed to a symbol looking like a sun with eight curved rays.

"The other two are runes, they are used for boosting you. The one in left is a heal rune, and the one in the right is an enhance rune. You can use them anyway you like, just discover how to do so." Darkos said.

"Thanks." Vin muttered. He then vanished and the terraforming started.


The triplets lost their parents in just a day. Everybody saw the bickering from before, so they know that they would do fine.

Still, nobody can't blame Vin. They know that he isn't a careless person, running in the middle of the war just to teleport them elsewhere and lower the death rate. They knew that they stand a chance, but now, everything changed.

The war went on, but Vin was still there, like a human statue, petrified by his own thoughts. Some of the armies past by him, but they didn't took notice of him.

It was like a nightmare. The death of Nadia put in more shock, then, he went pale. The shock got him good, but this time, something happened.

"Are you just gonna stand there and let those two die?" The soul he caught earlier, now awake, spoke to his heart. It startled him, enough to wake him up.

"Thanks." He said. With that, he roared and charged towards the center of the war. He was now calm, but desperate and full of wrath.

"Thirty Dragon Swarm!" He shouted.

This time, all of people around felt a chilly feeling. The ground shook, the air became hostile, and the battle field became chaotic. Thirty-two five-meter dragons came out of nowhere. Some of them are long ones, some have wings, some has spikes on their backs.

"Kid, use this." The soul said, and a four pronged sword appeared in front of Vin. It has four blades, in a cross pattern. What's peculiar about this is that the blades have a somewhat semicircular curve next to the hilt. The funny thing is, the blade and the place where the curve is has the same width.

"How fancy!" He exclaimed.

"All yours, kiddo. Now go get some revenge." The soul said and then slept again on his heart.

"CHARGE!" He shouted and all the dragons flew and killed.


"Celestine, that boy, is he--" A man in a knight's armor walked towards a woman in a certain veranda of a mansion.

The mansion, albeit emitting a sense of antique, has a very elegant hue of green and blue. The contrast gives a vague feeling of relief and contentment.

Celestine is seating on the farthest part of the veranda, almost two meters away from the door. She lifted up her cup and took a sip from the blend she just brewed. The windows are closed so that the whips of wind wont pass through inside.

A slight frown emerged from the face of the young knight. Though he is still there, the fact that Celestine didn't gave him face is an absolute blow to his pride.

Celestine Axami, the only daughter of Axami household. Her sideburns are silver, contrasting to her hair that has black near the scalp and blonde all the way through the tips.

Her eyes are sharp, like a veteran warrior that encountered many battles. Her nosebridge is like a peak of the mountain, and her lips that could captivate every man because of slight indifference.

Her curves are like a goddess' and her malevolent aura is seeping through. The knight stepped back as he felt a cold air down spine and a feeling that someone wants to castrate him.

Despite being at the age of sixteen, Celestine went with her father to continents and dungeons. She conquered them and now, she is one of the exalted knights in the dukedom.

Humid wind blew and the cold wind that once permeated is now out of the setting. In her violet battledress, Celestine stood up and pulled out her lance. She then walked towards the knight in a manly manner and went inside the door.

"Let him come here in the Central." With that, her silhouette vanished and the knight nodded.

He looked at the horizon and sighed. "Lord Vlad, please save us."


The four basic element: fire, water, land and wind.

The four advanced element: lightning, ice, metal and sound.

The inevitable elements: time and space.

The eight elements of Yin: dark, shadow, chaos, destruction, death, ruin, corruption and annihilation.

The eight elements of Yang: light, radiation, order, creation, life, fate, purification and augmentation.

The four elements of neutrality: nature, plasma, ion and poison.

And the four galactic elements: void, nebula, cosmos and gravity.

Thirty-four dragons thrashing around and creating havoc everywhere. There are some long ones, winged ones, crawling and even thin and spiky ones.

"HAHAHAHAHA KID YOU ARE THE BEST!" The man in the bamboo hat laughed.

"OSCAR THAT KID IS MINE!" Dariel shouted and sprinted towards the now evading Vin. His moves looked like a veteran soldier despite of being young in nature.

On his way to the center of the escalating war, a thought emerged in his mind. He pressed his left chest and a grayish ball appeared.

'The First God's Crest.'

The crest then flew in between the four blades of the sword, where the peculiar curves lie. A glow was emitted and the crest began to somewhat disseminate towards one of the blades.

That blade's curved part vanished and the next moment he knew, there are three words written at the blunt side of the blade; Nether, Justicator and Vassel. Under the names, there are three diamond circular shaped indentions like saying that there is something that is supposedly be there.

"Hohohoho, what do we have here?" The soul inside Vin's heart laughed at the sight. This is a very intriguing matter, but Vin pushed through, only to be blocked by a sudden pang on his mind.

The sharp screech like sound assaulted his mind like a laser cutting through talc. With the painful encounter, Vin stopped in his tracks. Although not a normal kid, the pain is just that overbearing.

But this was a battlefield, a place where pain and sufferings are normal, and casualties are made. And this is a battlefield, and stopping in the midst of this mess spells trouble.


Contrary to the feeling he felt, Vin still procured a smile on his face, and this added to the elegance he bears. This added to the fiery temper of Dariel, who is now almost twenty meter away from him. Seeing him smile is a bane to him, more like he is disrespecting a warrior's pride.

"DIE!" Dariel dashed through, pulling his sword, and went to a stance where he can fully swing his sword. Vin, having no sense in the outside world, is now a prisoner of his thoughts.

Or is he?

Dariel darted through and jumped of to the side, as if waiting for Vin to counterattack, yet, his prediction is out of concept, and dissatisfaction was written all over his face. No attack came. He dashed into another angle, waiting for another counterattack, and yet again, nothing came.

Not a single speck of mana.

Either a physical attack.


"Sir, why won't you--"

"Shut up, Oscar!" Dariel glared at the now confused subordinate.

"Do you not know the code of war?" Dariel asked Oscar, yet the latter just looked at him with a confused look on him.

The code of war, some unwritten rules of the battlefield. It emphasizes equity and fairness in a war. A cannon filled warship can only go against a cannon filled warship of the same warship; not against infantries, unless the infantry is something that can't be dealt with by normal infantries such as zombies or mythical races such as elves or dwarves.

Honor, the very word that describes the situation. There is no honor in killing a kid that can't even defend himself; or someone who experienced an inner conflict before the actual fight.

And absolutely, it will lead to the innermost turmoil of every human in this world, pride. The very emotion, or maybe a character, or it may be called a sin, that made the human society as rotten as it is today.

Ideals, principles, intellect and insight won't be used in everyday life. In decision making, they may be helpful, but in the face of adversary, pride and ego stands still; like pillar that pains the mind and heart at the same time.

A pillar that cuts through like an acid; the pain of not giving attention to it is like swallowing a spoonful of cockroaches. Pride and ego needs to be protected, so ideals, principles, insights and intellect are used to cover the hole; the hole made by humans themselves.

Pride and ego are gluttonous parasites. Ones you feed them, they will require more the next time you do, until it bites your hand and become shameless that it can even control your life. And how does this pride and ego affect a war? Simple. Variety.

Whites hates black as they view themselves as superior, and first worlders look down at third worlders as their gross income is higher than that of third worlders. An architect will look down at a fashion designer for the latter only uses abstract and imagination while the former uses math: the basis of intelligence for humans.

The suppressed one will rise and prove themselves, and the suppressors will push them down, making them look like an almighty being that no one can stand against. Ideals will clash with each other, until blades too, gunfires and cannon shots will be executed too, for the sake of pride. For the sake of honor and "name-being-written-in-history".

Right now, Dariel wanted to be the one that controls all, a god in his own domain. Someone capable of standing above the others, someone whose might will be known to others; thus, the suppressor.

"Does it taint that puny warmonger heart of yours?" A mocking tone and a playful smirk, not forced nor filled with hatred. Vin, now, stood and his hands are already trembling.

Trembling in excitement.

The sword he held formed a broadsword, almost half a foot wide and the middle is am inch thick. A convex blade at the tip, and sharp sides. The sword is almost a meter long, with intricate designs in the middle up to the hilt.

He slashed the air, and a gust appeared out of nowhere. Dariel and Oscar were startled to their core.

They knew that the skill he made is enough to make a living Enigma cower in fear, yet here they are, standing in front of that powerful being.

"Let the fun start until we run out of fumes." Vin declared while carressing the handle of the blade.

"You are a funny kid. You think that strike can kill us? Shove it off your as*!" Dariel angrily said.

"And why do you think that I want to strike you?" Vin asked and silently pondered.

'Sword Form: Dagger'

The broadsword Vin was holding then transformed into a short sword. The dagger is almost four inches wide with a serrated blunt side.


A sonorous sound made its way to the ears of every one as two weapons collided. Sparks flew out and a crater was formed under the feet of the two combatants. But it didn't end there.

Clang! Clang! Clang!

One to two until a hundred strikes were made. A boy and a man fighting with all they got; each with different agendas in mind. Power and speed are displayed throughout the fight.

"Kid, I admit youare tough! But you cant escape your fate, you will die here." Dariel angrily swung his sword and pushed back Vin. This was the first time that the deadlock is broken.

Amidst the air, Vin procured an earth wall to stabilize his balance, only to find out a sword coming out of thin air. Having no other choice, he abandoned the thought of setting foot on the wall, and did a somersault and avoiding the sword by a hair strand. Unfortunately, two more swords- an estoc and a rapier- came in to his vision. These are pointed at his neck and thigh. The accuracy of the two swords made him feel like he want to be stabbed by the swords.

'Sword form: Katana'

The sword transformed into a katana and he immediately swung it to block the two swords coming on his way.

Clang! Clang!

The swords were deflected and he managed to land on the ground with minimum damage. He then slashed the katana towards the two assailant, issuing a counterattack. His two assailants was caught off guard and a sense of fear washed through them.

Plop! Plop!

A hand and a head fell to the ground. Basking in the light of victory, Vin spun to slash it again, only to meet Oscar's spear. The spear struck him in his pelvis and sent him flying towards Dariel who was now ready to swing his sword.

'Is this my end?'

The thought came to his mind. Give up? No.

'Sword Form: Longsword'

He then gripped the hilt and poured a certain mana to it. The collision is inevitable, but only one can remain victorious. He spun and pushed all his strength towards the sword.

'Lightning Slasher!'


A man, a sword and a boy all flew away from each other. His body, like a puppet who lost all his threads, rolled and slammed to a boulder nearby. His sword left his hand when the clash happened it was too far for him to reach.

Fortunately, Dariel flew further, so he did his best to sprint towards the sword. Oscar, who saw this didn't know if he save his master first or kill the boy who injured his master.

A figure suddenly appeared beside Dariel. He caught him and laid him down the paved land. He wore his robes neatly and maturity reeks from his aura.

Seeing him, a smile formed on Oscar's face. His thumphing heart became excited and looked at the youth that now holds his sword.

"Kid, this is your end."