
Zack Fair on Remnant

An ignorant guy dies by accident, as he wasn't supposed the one to die by Truck-kun but the random teenager should've been the one. Now the wrong soul got reincarnated in a world were Grimms, bandits, and bad-ass women that kick ass and take names are roaming freely. _______________________________________________________ This is my first ever fan-fic, if you don't like it, don't read it :D I may update once a week/3 days I do not own RWBY nor this cover picture, so peace. I also don't own any characters that I might mention from any known series

NoirZero11 · 漫画同人
44 Chs

Ending for now Gentlemen, I'll be back

(Play FF7:One-winged angel)

"~Shenlong… make sure that Leviathan stay there~" Sephiroth suddenly said as he looked at the greenish-blue Grimm that was under him.

*Grrrr* /YES MASTER!!/ Shenlong muttered as it looked at the retreating Leviathan and spread its wings as it readied to attack it.

"~For now though, I'll deal with you insects while I'm still in charge~" Sephiroth grinned as he bent his knees a little and jumped straight up towards the retreating Bullhead while Shenlong went to the Leviathan.

"FIRE EVERYTHING!! NOW!!" Hazel quickly noticed Sephiroth coming towards them faster than they could get away so he ordered that as he immediately went towards the pilot's cockpit and replaced the pilot.

*Woooosh* X20

Missiles after missiles they fired all of it in one go in hopes to slow or takedown Sephiroth who was chasing them.

"~Heh~" Sephiroth just smirked at this as he gripped his seven-foot katana at his left hand and without so much as a warning, he instantly created three large blade beams to intercept those missiles.


As the explosion rang out, everyone on the Bullhead still saw Sephiroth grinning at them while still coming their way with no signs of injury whatsoever.

"Heh! What a bunch of drama mamas! I GUESS THE BASTARD COULDN'T WAIT TO DIE! I'LL DO IT MYSELF THEN!" Tyrian maniacally laughed then without waiting for anyone to respond, he jumped and dived straight for Sephiroth.

"TYRIAN WAIT!! SH*T! HAZEL LEAVE HIM! GET YOUR YOUR ASS OUT OF THERE!" Arthur hollered from the screen as unlike the rest inside the Bullhead, he captured and slowed down the scene where Sephiroth casually created those blade beams while still grinning.

Arthur knew now, this was the bad feeling Hazel was talking about earlier 'Damnit! I knew her Majesty won't be interested in someone normal, taking him now will be impossible for either of us now'

"Hazel! Get yourself and Cinder out there!" Arthur said from the screen as he saw Hazel nodding at him and accelerated even further leaving the free-falling Tyrian.

As both Tyrian and Sephiroth are still grinning maliciously while steadily approaching each other, Tyrian readied both of his dual wrist blades resembling scorpion's pincers while discreetly hiding his automated stinger at his back.

Tyrian saw that Sephiroth still hasn't done anything and just coming straight at him so he thought the bastard is finally scared of him and this further elevated his elation.

The moment they were 2 meters apart and Tyrian was about to strike Sephiroth, something happened so fast that Tyrian didn't manage to react at all.


Tyrian was suddenly blasted away towards the nearest land and went through a couple of trees until he stopped and laid at the ground in shock.


*Cough* *Cough*

Tyrian unsteadily stood back up but that was when he noticed that his left metal arm was entirely missing and cleanly sliced through. He widened his eyes at that as he never noticed how or when did that happen.


A sound ahead of him took his attention as he noticed it was his missing left arm sliced in three pieces and beside it was Sephiroth looking at him in contempt.

"~Is this the best you could do?~" Sephiroth casually asked him then stepped and crushed the remaining parts of Tyrian's left arm.

"HUUUHHH!!! WHAT DID YOU SAY, YOU BASTARD!! THAT WAS JUST A LUCKY SHOT!! I'LL SHOW YOU!! I'LL CRIPPLE YOU FIRST THEN I'LL MAKE YOU WATCH AS I KILL EVERYONE YOU CHERISH!! AAHHHHH!!!" Tyrian delusionally yelled out loud as he charged and jumped with his right arm pulled back and punched towards Sephiroth.



Tyrian was stopped in mid-air by Sephiroth's sword stabbed in his stomach. It was like before, he couldn't even react at all towards Sephiroth's attacks.

"~What I cherish most… was my reunion with mother but since I came here with this moron. I saw his memories as well as our deaths. I have come to realize that be it a hero, a villain, or a passerby, death still comes all the same. At that time 'We' made a choice that 'We' will make the most of our time here as Zack will be the light and I will be the shadow... and my purpose is to destroy anything that can harm our existence… be it you, your companions, Grimms, or your Queen, I'll show you all true despair then and only then... could you all have my permission to die~" Sephiroth said as he looked at Tyrian like a bug then from his right back, a single black wing suddenly emerged.

This shocked Tyrian but before he could even dwell on it, Sephiroth tossed him at the air with force.

Sephiroth grinned maliciously as in one single flap of his wing, he followed and caught up with Tyrian in the air.

Before Tyrian could even make sense of what was happening Sephiroth stabbed him multiple times in succession, sliced his stinger, then finally stabbed him again at his stomach and threw him at the ground with a force.



As Tyrian hit the ground creating a crater, he vomited a lot of blood and looked hatefully at Sephiroth who was literally looking down on him while floating mid-air.

"Is that *Blugh* *Cough* the best you could do!! HAHAHA I'M STILL ALIVE! YOU CAN'T KILL ME!!" Tyrian laughed out loud and slowly sat up then tried to stand up but he couldn't, no matter how many times he forced it, he couldn't stand up.

Tyrian glared at his feet and he noticed his left metal leg appendage is missing the foot while his right leg's tendons and bones are covered with blood. Bit by bit, Tyrian slowly felt something he always felt when her Majesty is angry with him, dread.

"~On your knees, I want you to beg for forgiveness~," Sephiroth said as he slowly came down.

Before Tyrian could even reply, Sephiroth disappeared again along with his left arm.

Tyrian didn't react for a moment then as he looked over his missing limbs and the pain that comes with it, it finally dawned on him as his face became pale then screamed in agony and terror.


"No! No! No!! No-no-no-no!!"

He tried to crawl away but as he turned around, he saw his missing left arm with a pool of blood all over, and beside it was Sephiroth still looking down on him with his sinister grin.

"~That expression... it suits you. Unfortunately, I can sense Zack's companions approaching so I have to end this now... for you and that Leviathan that is~" Sephiroth commented as he flew up and stopped when he was out of range.

Tyrian right now was a sobbing mess but as he noticed Sephiroth flying away, he realized that Sephiroth was letting him live. Even though he felt grateful, he couldn't but swore about his revenge on him but as Tyrian was in his thoughts, he suddenly saw a ball of fire in the sky getting bigger and approaching him.

"~I'll start with you~" Sephiroth's voice rang out as all those in the area who was remotely close saw a meteor coming down fast.

Tyrian finally realized, he really was gonna die now and that made him turn pale white in despair as he looked at the approaching ball of fire coming straight at him.

"NO!!! NO! NO! SAVE ME, MY QUEEN!!!" Tyrian became hysterical and tried to crawl away like the worm he is.

(A/N: Do excuse me but I hate this little B*tch the moment I saw him at RWBY)

"~That moron might've forgotten but… I won't… Meteor~" Sephiroth said as he turned his back at the same time the meteor he conjured hit Tyrian's position engulfing the area in white as a loud explosion followed.



Sephiroth quickly flew towards the fighting of both Shenlong and the Leviathan.

As Sephiroth arrived he saw that the Leviathan was full of injuries while still trying to hit Shenlong with its Energy Breath but Shenlong just casually evades everything the Leviathan throws at it at the same time firing its Lightning Breath at it.

Sephiroth could clearly see that Shenlong was just playing with the Leviathan as he noticed that it was holding back when attacking.

Both giants came to a sudden stop when they saw him arrive.

/MASTER/ Shenlong said respectfully while bowing slightly then flew towards him while ignoring the Leviathan.

"~Mmm, you did good Shenlong, leave the rest to me~" Sephiroth nodded at it then faced the Leviathan.


The Leviathan roared in defiance as it suddenly fired another Energy Breath towards Sephiroth.

Sephiroth and Shenlong didn't make a move to dodge and just looked at the approaching attack with indifference but as the attack was about to hit them, the Energy Breath was suddenly cut in half in the middle so that it completely bypasses the both of them.

"~I don't have any more time to play with you~" Sephiroth commented as he suddenly sent out three large consecutive blade beams at it.

The Leviathan grew shocked at its attack but when it saw Sephiroth's attack, it quickly placed its arms in a cross to defend against it.


The first one instantly made a huge gash on its arms and it was even forced to take a step back.

*BAMMM!!* *BAMMM!!!*

The following two came simultaneously and with it, its arms were cut in half.


The Leviathan roared in agony but before it could dwell on its injuries some more, Sephiroth appeared 50 meters above it then placed his sword pointing downward then flew straight down at the Leviathan.

As the Leviathan was about to retreat, Sephiroth's attack hit it in the head and due to the impact, its head was forced to be dragged towards the sea below it.



Sephiroth flew away and looked at the floating and smoking dead body of the Leviathan in the sea. He thought about awakening it but decided against it eventually as he noticed his time is already up.

Sephiroth quickly came back to Shenlong as his wing envelops himself then black feathers began to disappear along with his silver hair until Zack himself dropped down at Shenlong.

(Play Why: FF7 Crisis Core)

"Ughhh… Damnit Sephiroth, I'm definitely gonna feel this tomorrow *Sigh*" Zack said as he laid down at Shenlong in exhaustion.

Zack looked at the clear sky as even though he was tired and fatigued from all the fighting, he can't help but remember his mentor's beautiful white wing.

"'If people had wings... They'd be monsters' that's what you said back then but those wings… I want them too,"

"'Embrace your dreams, and... whatever happens, protect your honor…' that's what you like to keep beating it in my head right," Zack said to himself as he lost himself in nostalgia while smiling wryly.


Zack continued looking at the sky then he heard a Bullhead approaching him.

He turned at it as he saw all of his friends waving and yelling at him inside it.

"Embrace your dreams. If you want to be a hero, you need to have dreams… Heh, don't worry, I won't forget," Zack said to himself as he closed his eyes with a carefree smile on his face.

He called out to Aerith one last time before he never opened his eyes again.






























Pyrrha controlled her semblance on herself to reach Zack first and tackled him.

Zack opened his eyes as he looked at the laughing Pyrrha on top of him then he looked at the approaching three more ladies. He couldn't help himself but smile at his content life now.

'Thank you… God,'

(Cue foreboding background music)

"Fufufufu, oh Honey! You're not done yet so no sleepy-sleepy, not until we do something first!!" Pyrrha's voice cuts into Zack's thoughts as he curiously looks at Pyrrha.

"Remember your promise Hehehe, and what I want is pretty simple really hehehe" Pyrrha said as a scary aura envelops her and her hold on Zack becomes stronger.


"O-oh, I--if s-so I'll do it then," Zack hesitantly replied as he has to be honest with himself right now, he was scared at the look Pyrrha's giving him right now.

Pyrrha suddenly took hold of his head then kissed him passionately then and as they ran out of air, they separated and Pyrrha got close to his face again but this time her previous expression now was oozing with lust.

"LeT's MaKe LoVe HoNeY!!" Pyrrha said while grinning madly.

'...F*ck… I'm going to get r*ped today aren't I…" Zack thought of as his brain was working overtime to come up with a response.

"NOT ON MY WATCH!!!" Three female voices rang out before he could say something to save him… right?..

After that, all of the attacks on Vale stopped as they all went back 'normally' with Zack desperately ordering Shenlong to go faster away from four scary b*tche-ladies while everyone else on board in the Bullhead just watched in indifference as they were all used to this but they all can't help but strap in tight to their seat.

As of right now, Blake and Yang are on the pilot and co-pilot seat with Glynda and Pyrrha using their semblance on the Bullhead to catch up with their prey.

Everyone inside the Bullhead is trying hard not to puke right now as those crazy b*tche-ladies are doing different nauseating aerial maneuvers just to catch up with Zack except for Ruby and Nora. Ruby was used to this sensation especially when she uses her semblance and as for Nora… well, she's Nora.

The chase continued even after they made it to Vale with Zack quickly hiding anywhere his body could squeeze into.

The four ladies searched high and low but they couldn't find him, they tried 'asking' one of his shadows but everyone they got quickly went back to the shadows to hide from them. In their desperation, they managed to convince Nora and Akari to help them.

Soon after Vale got through the White Fang Invasion, all thought it was finished. They were all apparently mistaken as Nora was zipping all over Vale with the help of thermos filled with caffeine and all-female officers under Akari began a city-wide search for one Zack Fair.

Chaos once again reigned on Vale especially with addition of the military under Schnee and Qrow Branwen, the so-called father of their prey, joined in for the hunt.

Winter quickly mobilized every able-bodied officer to capture 'that scoundrel' according to her while Qrow, called this in to his sister on her secret number to inform of the situation, and after informing Raven, he laughed maniacally about revenge is a b*tch.

Needless to say, Zack was found immediately after that.

It's been 2 days since then, no one has seen Zack, Pyrrha, Blake, Yang, and even Glynda after requesting a two-day emergency leave of absence. Of course, Ozpin intended to ask Glynda for an explanation but the look on Glynda that day scared the immortal headmaster of Beacon so he wisely accepted it as he was still gloomy about his bet on Zack.

During those 2 days, Nora dragged Ren into their room while locking and barricading it after Pyrrha whispered something to her.

Ruby and Weiss were the only ones left as all of their close friends disappeared on them. Ruby was confused in all this as she strokes her precious scythe lovingly while waiting with Weiss who was faintly blushing as she could faintly Ren's voice calling out for help in the other room.

So Weiss did what anyone with a shred of common sense would do, she dragged Ruby away from there and never looked back.

Currently, in Beacon, everyone was given a week to recuperate from the attack while canceling all classes first much to the relief of every student there.


Meanwhile back at Salem.

Arthur, Hazel, and Cinder are all kneeling before Salem while recounting everything that transpired on their mission. They were all looking down as they know, the punishment given by their Queen will be harsher if they do something disrespectful while Cinder is still wallowing in her failure.

"After that, we left Tyrian with the long silver-haired guy that was in our target's clothes. Apologies my Queen, we have failed in taking the target," Hazel said while looking at the ground.

"Mmm… MuahahahaHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!"

Laughter suddenly erupted from their Queen as all of them broke out of their own thoughts as this was their first time hearing their Queen laughing like this and that just gave them goosebumps while gulping in nervousness.

"HAHAHAHA!! AS I SUSPECTED!! THAT MAN IS HIDING MORE SECRETS! AND NOW, A DIFFERENT PERSONA AS WELL!! *AAhhhhh* I can't wait for our meeting," Salem said as she lost herself in her thoughts but as she looked at her three trembling pawns in front of her, she broke out of it.

"Mmm, I see, you all failed in your missions, and in the process, Tyrian also died... your incompetences are staggering this time but I will let this slide for now as it seems those five Grimms were still not enough," Salem said as she looked at them casually.

The three of them immediately sighed in relief but suddenly black pools appeared beneath them then long black hands emerged from it and took hold of their throats. They widened their eyes in surprise as these black hands began to choke them slowly.

"But… make no mistake… fail me again and I will fill these halls with your blood…" Salem said menacingly as she controlled those black hands in their throats.

The three of them hurriedly nodded their heads as the black hands squeezed them one last time then the hands retreated and disappeared along with the black pool underneath them.

"Now, leave, I have to wake more of those Grimms," Salem said in indifference.

"Y-yes your Majesty!" All of them spoke simultaneously.

The three of them hurriedly got out of there as Salem stares at Zack's picture while also looking at Sephiroth in his clothes.

"Hahahaha! I wonder, what will you show me next time," Salem said while grinning at both pictures.


A week went by as everyone was helping with the repairs of the city and slowly, the city of Vale and its citizens are recovering from that.

During this week, almost everything went back to normal except for the two guys of team ZPNR.

They both have hollow eyes with them that started to freak out most of their friends while Nora and Zack's ladies were all glowing in happiness. Even Glynda was instructed by Ozpin to go to the infirmary as she actually smiles more often now and that honestly gave everyone who knows her goosebumps.

As the Vytal Festival is over, many students from neighboring kingdoms are starting to head back to their respective academies.

Sun spent most of his time with Velvet going on dates or just hanging out with each other and of course, Coco, while dragging Yatsuhashi, is documenting this on all in her scroll.

Meanwhile, Fox, the remaining guy on team CFVY, was hanging out with Scarlet and Sage from team SSSN while talking about their traitorous male members then Scarlet at one time even cried blood in jealousy when he saw Sun hugging Velvet.

Neptune also spent his time with Weiss but when she invited him to the pool, he froze for a moment then run away like a b*tch. Needless to say, Weiss found out about his phobia and at first, she was really supportive but after that, she somehow made it a life goal to force Neptune to get over his phobia. Her goals were noble but as time passed, she somehow grew a sadistic side while seeing Neptune's scared expression.

Ruby was lonely for a bit after that but she still has her beautiful Crescent Rose and Zwei, who for some reason has many stray dogs and cats as for his underlings fetching him the remaining chocolates on Vale. She just shrugged this off as she reasoned herself that it was a normal dog behavior.

Unknown to her, Zwei also made himself a fort of some kind while building his throne with Blake's books while preaching to his subordinates about balance and showing a picture of his mortal adversary, Zack Fair.

Needless to say, every animal that Zack came across on Vale either hissed or scratched him.

All of Zack's new friends were getting to go but before they made their plans, they were all invited to a wedding by Zack. The wedding of his old man and the demon Akari.

They all agreed but they couldn't help get curious when they saw the son and the sister of the groom smiling-no they weren't smiling, they were smirking almost annoyingly happy. And with the addition of Zack's Beowolves wearing suits and sunglasses while acting as bodyguards for the groom like he was flight risk at any moment, making them curious about this so-called wedding.

Greetings Gentlemen!

Not that long chapter

but oh well, the author is lazy

ヾ( ̄0 ̄;ノ

Might stop for a while for Christmas so...

This is NoirZero11 giving you all an early


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