
Zachary's little mistress

'She was intoxicated by him; too intoxicated that it started to taint her delicate soul' ... Amelia Sunfield, princess of Scrollrealm was faced with a challenge. With her father's deteriorating health, she had to get married in a few weeks. Things could only get worse when she married a total stranger who she believed to be good. Abused and mistreated by her new husband, Amelia had only one person to run to.. Zachary, her guard. ... "Zach, I plead with you. Go from me, please. Darkness can never mix with light," Amelia murmured, looking into his dark eyes. She couldn't fathom the look he carried but it wasn't something she wanted to know. "You've sinned too much. You've killed innocent and guilty, Zachary. It isn't something I can overlook" Zachary's face held no emotion beforehand; hearing her made him smile. "Haven't you heard, Little mistress that darkness follows light? Remind yourself that, without darkness, there would be no more light. No matter how dark things seem right now, stay by my side and I promise to protect you. I was created to do that, Little mistress," he replied and she sighed. His next words made a chill run down her spine and she became frigid instantly. "I only need a cup of your blood daily"

Gray_Titan · 奇幻言情
18 Chs

Carnival- 2

The trio began to walk away from there with Emily trying to look pleasing.

"Give me a minute. I'll be back," Tobias said before walking away from the girls to a nearby mart.

Emily straightened her dress with her hands before plastering a fake smile on her face.

"I never knew you were acquainted with the Lord of Sen," Emily spoke suddenly.

"You have such a high standard. What can I expect from a princess?"

"I'm good friends with him but nothing more than that," Amelia clarified.

"Oh. Sorry if I misunderstood it," Emily replied with a smile as she inwardly rejoiced. If Amelia was just friends with Tobias, then that gave way for her. "Do you know where he- here he is"

Amelia turned to see Tobias approaching them with a box in his hand.

"Pardon me if I kept you both waiting," he apologized only for them to hear another firework. "I remembered you have no shoes on so I went to get you a new one"

Amelia's heart warmed up to his kind gestures. She had forgotten about it while discussing with him earlier. But he.. He didn't forget.

"Thank you really much, Lord Tobias. I appreciate it," she gently replied before taking the box from him. He offered her a polite smile and then said,

"I bought you flats, considering the wounds you had there"

Amelia thanked him once more before putting on the shoes. It was really spacious and she appreciated him.

Dropping the box in the nearest bin, the trio began to walk again. Emily on the other hand couldn't help but boil in anger. She witnessed how the Lord of Sen bought a shoe for Amelia. Though the shoe was flat, it was of a very high quality. One could tell by the pearls embedded in it.

"..., so it can go smoothly. Right, Emily?" Amelia asked the girl by her side who seemed lost. Emily who didn't bother to listen to their conversation had a hard time answering.

"Sure, you're right"

"I told you," Amelia said before giggling. She was glad that Emily had supported her not knowing the girl knew nothing about what she discussed with Tobias.

"Where would you like us to go?" Tobias asked Amelia.

"I'll like to visit the bonfire first," Amelia replied honestly. She had heard of the bonfire and it was something she wanted to experience.

"Bonfire? I'm certain Lord Tobias would not want that. I mean, that's the spot for most commoners," Emily folded her arms on her chest as she pouted her lips to look cute. "Right?"

"No. If you do not want that, then where should we visit?" Amelia asked the girl by her side who looked pissed off at the mention of 'bonfire'. "And yes, that's what I want to do, befriend the commoners. They're also humans like us"

Emily rolled her eyes and pouted even more before saying,

"You're quite unbelievable, Milady. The commoners are disgusting and dirty. Don't tell me you want to spend your precious time with them! As for me, I'll not be coming with you"

Amelia's brows furrowed and she wondered why people thought the commoners to be dirty and Irritating.

"Yes. They are dirty and disgusting to you because you were born on a platter of diamonds. Many of them are rude, but most are humble. If I am to judge, those from the higher society are even more irritating when they look down on these commoners. To add, they have something we from the higher society lack which is freedom and peace of mind. Spend a day with them and youl--"

"I won't. Staying with them makes something crawl under my skin. Something really unpleasant," Emily interrupted Amelia's statement.

"Lord Tobias, pleasant evening," Someone jogged to them from behind making the trio stop walking.

"Oh, Roundhead Steve. I never knew you fancied carnivals," Tobias replied to the man who had short wavy black hair. "Is there a problem?"

"Ah. No Milord, there is no problem," Steve replied with a bright smile. "I saw you from afar and decided to come to join you"

"That's so thoughtful. Well, I'm glad you're here. This is Princess Amelia and that is Lady Emily; daughter of Lord Richardson"

Emily raised her shoulders in pride as Tobias introduced her.

"My, my. Fairest Princess. It's a pleasure to meet you here," Steve said to Amelia before taking the back of her hand and dropping a light kiss on it; totally ignoring Emily whose face turned sour. "You look beautiful tonight, though I must say that you aren't dressed well. Don't mistake my words, Milady. I expected you to dress in jewelry and colorful gowns"

Amelia allowed him to speak before saying,

"True. But this is a carnival and not my birthday or coronation. It's good to blend in sometimes because you never know who you will meet"

"Very true Milady. You've made today bright for me. I'm so glad I've met you in person"

Emily cleared her throat to gain attention and finally, Steve took notice of her.

"There you are"

Emily raised her chin to belittle the man in front of her.

"I'm sorry I didn't take note of you earlier," Steve said with a bow, but his next words made Emily's face fall. "She was just too bright that you were overshadowed. Forgive me if this rubs you the wrong way"

"It's okay, everyone says that," Emily said, faking a smile.

"Where do we go from here now? I can't wait to visit a good store and drink to my fullest," Steve commented with a yawn.

"Speaking of that, you'll be accompanying Lady Emily here to wherever she wants to go. I and Princess Amelia would be visiting the bonfire. It's not good to let Emily be on her own, so without a question, accompany her," Tobias commanded while Steve bowed in response.

Emily gritted her teeth before plastering a fake smile.

"But Milord, don't tell me you're going to be a bonfire with Princess Amelia. I have a better pla-"

"That would not be needed, Emily," he addressed her without the honorifics. "It's either you go with him or come with us to the bonfire. Better still, if you want neither, you can leave the three of us. Which is your decision?"