
Yutian City Life

Yutian Urban Life Novel is a novel set in a modern city that tells the story of the main character going through various emotions such as growth, struggle, love, affection and friendship. The novel's protagonist, Yutian, is a young man with tenacity and perseverance and a spirit of striving. In the novel, Yutian undergoes a metamorphosis from mediocrity to excellence, and he continues to challenge himself in urban life and eventually achieves success in his career and life. The story begins with Yutian leaving his hometown and traveling to the big city to pursue his career. When he first enters the city, Yutian faces many challenges, including language barriers, differences in living habits, and interpersonal relationships. However, with his perseverance and intelligence, he gradually adapts to city life and achieves success in the workplace. In the process, Yutian also made a group of like-minded friends and formed a deep friendship. In the city life, Yutian also experiences a colorful love story. He develops a relationship with several female protagonists, and although the process is full of twists and turns and setbacks, they all eventually become valuable assets in his life. Under the cultivation of love, Yutian becomes more mature and steady. At the same time, Yutian never forgets the companionship of family and friendship. He struggles hard in the city in order to be able to bring a better life to his family and make his friends live a happy life as well. In the process, Yu Angel pulls out all the stops and actively tackles all kinds of difficulties and challenges. In the end, after a series of struggles and efforts, Yu Tian succeeded in realizing his dream and became a good urbanite. He not only achieves success in his career, but also reaps the rewards of a fulfilling love, and at the same time creates better living conditions for his family and friends. The novel focuses on Yutian's growth and struggle, showing the beauty and challenges of modern urban life, and conveying a positive and forward-looking attitude towards life.

Dao33tao · 都市
120 Chs

Chapter 37 - Escalation of events

Vice Principal Luo walked to go out with doubts, that teacher led him to the computer, clicked on the school's website, Vice Principal Luo swept the content above, his face suddenly became ironic. He asked with a sullen face, "Who sent this?" That teacher shook his head, indicating that he didn't know. At this time the phone in the office rang, Vice Principal Luo picked up the phone, before he could say anything, an urgent cry came from the phone, "Vice Principal, it's not good to pull, a large number of reporters have come to the entrance of the school, there are even journalists from the capital stationed in our Deep Sea who have also come, saying that it's some kind of about the school's indecent video wanting to interview you."


Vice Principal Luo said you first block, then hung up the phone with a bang, then picked up a water cup and smashed it on the ground with a bang.


At that moment the door to the office opened and in walked a man in his fifties with a big belly, as soon as the man walked in he said, "Vice Principal Luo, what a big fire!"


Vice Principal Luo looked up and hurriedly said, "Vice Director Zhen, what brings you to La?"


The person who came was Zhen Qian, the deputy director of Guangnan Province Education Department, Zhen Qian coldly grunted and said, "Can I not come, a university campus in a metropolitan city, actually out of such a violent incident, and also involved in the key foreign-funded enterprises in Deep Sea City, and now even the provincial party committee is very important, you say I can not come?" Saying that, he walked towards the conference room. As soon as Zhen Qianzuo took a look at his uncle's arrival, he was instantly much more at ease.


Vice Principal Luo also chased after him and said with a crying face, "That Vice Director Zhen, this matter its a bit difficult to handle. Can we take a step to talk?"


Zhen Qian heard a burst of color, mouth loudly said: "What is difficult to do? That student called Yutian beat up the foreigner's son, now people are still in the hospital, when the teacher educated him, he not only didn't listen, instead, he even beat up the teacher along with a big fight, the director Zhen in front of him is the witness. I don't care how big of a person he is, he has to be dealt with seriously."


At that moment, the teacher just outside ran in again and shouted, "It's not good, Vice Principal Luo, there are a lot of students, shouting to us to put. Put." Speaking here, that teacher could not continue.


Vice Principal Luo hurriedly asked, "What do you want us to do, why don't you say it clearly."


That teacher glanced at Director Zhen and Zhen Qianzuo, and also said with a clench of his teeth, "Anyway, you guys go out and take a look and you'll know."


Zhen Qian frowned and said, ''There are a lot of students here? What are they doing here instead of attending classes? Want to revolt? Look at how you're acting as a vice principal, go and take a look."


Zhen Qian and Vice Principal Luo led the crowd outside, only to see a dense crowd of students standing in front of the lawn of the office building, shouting under their breath, "Drive that beast Zhen Qianzuo out of Deep Sea University, and right the name of our school."] "Yesterday I was proud of Deep Sea University, today I am ashamed of Deep Sea University."


"Strongly urge the school to do justice to our students."


"The Goryeo people have bullied us too much, and we were captured when we fought back."


Looking at the scene in front of him, Zhen Qian coughed twice, and then said loudly, "Students, I am the deputy director of the education department, Zhen Qian, for the school there are students arrested into the police station, I hope that you can get the facts straight, Yutian he not only beats up his classmates, when your director of instruction educates him, he even beats up the director of instruction, this kind of student doesn't deserve to be a student of the deep sea university, please students students to calm down and return to the classroom immediately, otherwise they will all be dealt with seriously."


This does not mention Zhenqianzuo okay, a mention of his classmates on the more fire, one by one, the mineral water bottles on the school leaders in this direction smashed over, the school leaders were all of a sudden in a state of distress.


At this time a group of reporters broke through the school security block rushed in, holding up the hand of the long gun short cannon ran to the front of the school leadership asked: "Now on the network a large number of circulation of the school director of the indecent video, may I ask the school authorities have any explanation for this?"


Zhen Qian was also confused for a moment, and could not help but ask Vice Principal Luo suspiciously, "Video, what indecent video?"


Luo vice principal bitterly smiled and pulled Zhen Qian into the office, opened the computer to let Deputy Director Zhen see for himself. Seeing the video Zhen vice-director is also pale, rushed out to Zhen Qianzheng is a slap in the face and said: "Bastard, their own things to solve their own." Said he left without looking back.


Zhen Qianzheng saw his uncle leave, also face like ashes collapsed to the ground. Vice Principal Luo looked at Zhen Qianzheng with contempt, and spoke loudly to the media and students, "For this incident, our school will deal with it appropriately as soon as possible, and here I will first apologize to the students on behalf of the school's leadership, we have such a social scum in our school, and as school leaders, we have an unshirkable responsibility. We will immediately contact the police to give Yu Tian students a fair account. Now please students return to the classroom first, as for our reporter friends, our school will hold a press conference at an appropriate time to inform the whole process of the incident. I hope everyone can understand, thank you." After saying that to everyone, Vice Principal Luo bowed deeply. Seeing such a situation the students dispersed.


That said, after Yu Tian was brought back to the police station, he bumped into Fan Si Yu. When Fan Si Yu saw Yu Tian, she asked, "Xiaotian, why are you here? Did you get into trouble again?"


Yu Tian shook his head with a bitter smile and told Fan Si Yu what happened. Fan Siyu gritted her teeth and said, "That bastard deserves to be beaten. I can't imagine that there are such scum in a university campus. Don't be afraid, you'll be fine with me." Said Yu Tian pulled to her office to go in, bring Yu Tian back to the police look, did not say anything. The captain asked, he also has no way.


As soon as Yu Tian entered Fan Si Yu's office, he closed the door and hugged Fan Si Yu and kissed her. Fan Si Yu slapped Yu Tian and said, "You're going to die, this is an office."


Yutian hemmed and hawed and said, "It can't be helped, who asked my wife to be so charming?"


Fan Siyu listened to the heart of the beautiful, but the face still feinted anger to: "Who is your wife ah, also not ashamed."


Yutian hurriedly said, "You ah, you are not my wife or whose?" After saying that, he hugged Fan Si Yu and kissed her again.


Fan Siyu symbolically struggled twice and gave up, slowly she was also intoxicated in this passionate kiss. At this time a knock on the door to wake up the two, Fan Siyu straightened the clothes, blushing face glared at Yu Tian, ran over to open the door, Yu Tian laughed, did not say anything.


Fan Siyu opened the door and looked at it, her face instantly turned even redder and she stammered, "Dad, why are you here?"


"Can't I come?" Fan Lijun walked in and froze at first glance. Yutian this kid is sitting on the sofa crossing his legs, leisurely smoking a cigarette. Where is this a person who hit someone and was brought into the police station to do investigation ah, this is simply to come to the police as a guest. Then Fan Lijun turned back to look at his daughter, saw his father looking at himself, Fan Siyu sheepishly lowered his head. There is a situation, it looks like his daughter and this kid relationship is not general ah, Fan Lijun thought. Think of this period of time his daughter's some changes, he could not help but sigh, it seems that his own concern for his daughter is really too little, his daughter has a sweetheart, himself as a father actually do not know anything, if it is not their own unintentional over to meet today, maybe one day he suddenly did the grandfather do not know. However, this kid is not a peaceful main ah, he really suitable for their daughter, but also think of their own daughter's temper, Fan Lijun and sighed, forget it, the daughter grew up, her own things by her own do it.


Seeing that the atmosphere was a bit dull, Yutian stood up and walked to the front of Fan Lijun, handed over a cigarette and spoke, "Director Fan, long time no see ah. How have you been?"


Fan Si Yu also picked up the conversation and asked, "Dad, what are you doing here with me?"


As soon as he heard this, Fan Lijun became angry and shouted at Yutian, ''What are you doing here, it's not for this kid in front of you? It's been a long time since we've seen each other, if it's possible, I'd rather never see each other again. How are you doing? As long as there is no you this kid, I live better than anyone else."


As soon as she heard that her father had such a bad impression of Yu Tian, Fan Si Yu was very nervous and said, "Dad, Xiaotian, he's right, it was someone else who hit his brother first before he stepped in, and as for that Director of Instruction, he deserved to be hit for being hit, he's just something worse than a beast."


Fan Lijun saw his daughter's nervousness, but also sighed to the heart, it is really a woman can not help people ah, this eight has not yet been a handful of it, on the nervousness into this. So he looked at Yu Tian slowly said: "Others hit your brother, you have to violence to violence. Even if the director of teaching is a beast, it is not your turn to fight ah. Do you know, you hit the Goryeo country students, people through the embassy in China sent an official letter to pressure, now the phone is one after another, now it is not as simple as the beating incident, now is already an international dispute. What do you think I should say about you kid, don't use your brain to think when you do it."


As soon as Fan Si Yu heard that things had become so serious, she hurriedly asked, "Dad, what should we do then, think of a way, you must help Xiaotian."


Fan Lijun also said helplessly, "What to do, I'm just a small police chief, what else can I do, now I only hope to find a way to calm the anger of the other side, take one step and see what happens."


Looking at the father and daughter in front of him, Yu Tian was also very touched, after so many years of being alone outside, except for a few life and death brothers, he was almost never cared for by anyone. Now seeing Fan Lijun's father and daughter caring from the bottom of their hearts, he couldn't help but say with a bit of a sour nose, "Uncle Fan, Si Yu. You guys don't worry I won't be alright." Damn, the name calling has been changed.


Fan Lijun nodded and said, "I hope that's the case, I'll leave if there's nothing else." After saying that, he walked out, closing the door with his hand.


Yu Tian watched Fan Lijun leave, so he hugged Fan Si Yu in one go and said, "Wife, let's continue."


Fan Siyu broke away and laughed to, "Thinking of beauty." After saying that, she ran outside, and only dropped a sentence when she was almost at the door, "I'll get you some food, you wait here."