
yuragi-sou no yuuna-san: template system.

4 years ago, aiden discovered that her body absorbs a type of strange energy that disappears shortly after entering her body. Now 4 years later her body stopped passively absorbing the strange energy and a strange template system was activated. What will fate have in store for aiden? and what character templates will he get?... read the ff to find out. :v The protagonist is not a reincarnated person. (He didn't know what to write, neither in the name nor in the synopsis, but hey, I did my best.)

MiguelCreative · 漫画同人
20 Chs

chapter 13

"Sayaka?" - Aiden said, confused by the situation he finds himself in.

His classmate and school friend is now at his house/apartment pointing a sword at him.

'What's going on today?' - Aiden wondered as he thought about what happened tonight.

Today was supposed to be a day like any other since he got the powers, but now, not long ago he got into a fight with a monkey and now his friend is pointing a sword at him with possible murderous intent.

"Are you... the real aiden honton?" - Pintail asked as she looked at Aiden analyzing him from head to toe trying to find something to say that he isn't.

Pintail could feel how sayaka was trying to take control of his body, but he first wants to confirm before doing so, he doesn't know what can happen if he really isn't the idiot.

{It's hard to tell if it's him when his spirit energy is hidden... there's only one way to tell}. - Pintail thought as she sighed, since he's known the idiot not once has he been able to identify his spiritual signature, all because of the necklace.

"Of course it's me, who else will it be?" - Aiden said as he sighed at the question.

"If you're him, then put on the necklace" - Ordered Pintail as she pointed to the necklace on the table.

"Why?" - Aiden asked, confused, why is he ordering her to put on the necklace.

"Just do it or else. Your head will no longer be attached to your body" - Insisted Pintail as she threatened him.

"Yeah, ok, okay, I'll do it" - Said aiden as she sighed and raised his hands in surrender. the problem is that he has almost no spiritual energy and his body hurts a lot, plus it's in his apartment, so he prefers to avoid a confrontation here.

Aiden headed over to where the necklace is while holding his guard up, just in case sayaka(pintail) attacks him.

"Ready, happy?" - Aiden asked after putting on the necklace that his mother gave him, he doesn't know why she is forced to put it on, but if he avoids having a confrontation here in his apartment. he will do it.

"..." - Pintail remained silent looking at aiden or more specifically at the necklace before sighing and passing control to sakuya.

"Aiden, are you okay?" - Asked sakuya as she put the fox mask on the side of her head, while she had a worried face for aiden.

Because since sayaka knows about aiden from her teacher. she knows aiden can't use spirit energy. so it seems strange to him this situation that aiden can use spirit energy to teleport... but another question that came to mind.

'How can he teleport?' - Sayaka wondered as she looked at Aiden, who was becoming more mysterious each time. It had barely been almost two weeks since he saw him and now that she sees him, she can use spiritual energy.

And well, since she's sure it's aiden... well, the necklace can only be used by him and the necklace is a high level artifact that is bound to aiden's soul. If someone else tries to use it they won't be able to do it, people without energy simply won't want to do it and people with energy will receive a shock of electricity when putting it on.

Meanwhile aiden was surprised by the change of sayaka, from a cold voice to the usual one.

"Well... right now, I think I'm fine, why?" - Aiden asked as he went on the defensive.

"..." {Clearly you're not fine...} - Sayaka was silent not knowing what to say to aiden's answer while pintail replied to her answer in sayaka's mind.

"Mmm, aiden this can...mmm, I have a question...how can you use spirit energy?" - Sayaka asked a little undecided whether to ask, but she has to.

"Well... it all started about 9 days ago..." - Aiden said after a moment of silence. although he's not sure if it's a good idea to talk about this, sayaka has been good friends with hers so he tried to trust her.

Of course I won't tell the whole truth, he won't say that he has a system, that would be stupid of him.


{Is it okay to leave it alone?} - Asked Pintail as she looked at her hostess who was lost in her thoughts.

After aiden told her a half truth about how she can now use spirit energy, sayaka decided to drop the subject for now, at least now she knows that aiden is fine. but now she has to keep an eye on him even more.

Since now that he has spirit energy, albeit hidden, aiden can see the evil ghosts, it can be dangerous for him.

Aiden didn't say that he had fought Andramelek. When Sayaka asked him where he was, he simply said that he had teleported not far away, but he ran out of energy and had to wait a while to come back.

"I don't know, pintail, I honestly wasn't ready for that. For now we'll just wait and see, it seems he's fine with those techniques he found…" - Said Sayaka as she sighed and thought that his young master would be better off if he hadn't found that ring.

Aiden told her that 9 days ago, he found a ring in his apartment and when he put it on his finger, the techniques appeared out of nowhere. he demonstrated that it was true by inserting an object into the ring and then removing it.

{(Sigh) sayaka ...} - Sighed pintail, not knowing what to do with his hostess.


"I hope it was the right thing..." - Aiden said while he was lying down.

He doesn't know if it was the right thing to tell sayaka or not, even if it was a half-truth, it certainly isn't something that should be told to someone as a sayaka.

A year of knowing her, as the popular girl at school that they somehow became friends with and now it turns out that she is into the supernatural side of the world. It's certainly something out of an anime.

"Another thing... I hope it was a good decision to accept being Andramelek's disciple" - Aiden said as he took out the book that Andramelek gave him for becoming his disciple.

--xXx-- (Flashback)

At this moment aiden was looking at andramelek confused.

"Why?" - Aiden asked, looking at Andramelek without understanding his reasoning.

"Hahahaha well, I decided thanks to several factors" - Andramelek said while he stopped for a moment.

"Which are?" - Asked aiden curious.

"1) You managed to hit me and make me bleed, 2) You used a technique that you hadn't started training on not long ago, 3) It reminds me of my younger self... among other reasons." - Andramelek enumerated the reasons while he stopped at the third.

"Then what do you say, do you agree to be my disciple?" - Andramelek asked while he waited for Aiden's answer.

"..." - Aiden stared at him without knowing what to say, accept or not do.

"Oh, accept aiden, so I'll have a new training partner" - Said saria while she looked at aiden with emotion.

[System: host, I recommend you accept as it will be very helpful in the long run]

'Well that's true,' - Aiden thought as he looked at the pros and cons, but so far the pros outweigh the cons.

The most important con would be that he would have to be aware every time he receives a new character card, get the power without raising too much suspicion and would need to have a lie made up for when they ask him. among others.

But, of the pros, 1) he will have someone to train him, he knows how to fight, but a supernatural training is not too much. 2) get a secluded place to train, he won't need to find a secluded place in a short time. among others.

"Okay... well, I agree to be your disciple" - Aiden says after a long silence.

"HAHAHAHA well well, that's good" - Andramelek laughed after listening to aiden.

Saria also started to laugh knowing that she would have a new training partner.

At this point aiden was no longer so sure if it was a good idea to accept, he may feel that his future will be dark and painful.

--xXx-- (End Flashback)

'And then he gave me this book,' Aiden thought as he began to read the book.

[Mind Training Technique: Allows the user to train in their mind (mental energy). While using it, the user will appear in his inner world and in it there will be a reflection of himself. A reflex that can use the user's techniques and abilities in a better way. The user can have the reflection train him to learn how to use the techniques in a better way.

Or the user can have a fight against the reflection, so while fighting with the reflection, the user will improve much faster in the use of the techniques and skills they have chosen to train.

But the user has to be careful as if he loses against the reflex, he will get a severe headache, the pain may lessen as he progresses in mastering the technique.]

"Well, after reading this, maybe it really wasn't a bad idea to accept, I got a lot more than I expected" - Aiden said while looking at the description of the technique.

And so, aiden fell asleep sore, but happy for the technique he got today.


I got the idea from that technique, from the [cultivation chat group] self-cultivation technique.

I hope you liked the chapter.