
Yugioh GX: Flexing? I'm just META Traumatised.

Hello there, this is my first fic, and i hope you can all enjoy it. Im gonna use a translator for this because English is like my third language and im not that good in it. Anyways , read, enjoy,Comment. Synopsis: MC: -So, let me get it straight here, i die because YOU accidentally sneeze and a METEORITE ended up crushing me, JUST after my secret crush just confessed to me?. R.O.B: -Yeap,soooooooo.....my bad?. MC: -...... R.O.B: -Any ways, wanna get isekai'd, kid?. MC: -......Fuck it, Im in. And just like that ,one sneeze was all that's needed for an entire Dimension get traumatized by a flex meta player.

TheOneThatNeverWas · 漫画同人
25 Chs

Notice! I forgot the count number of those

To those who ask, im not droping this fic, im just too tired from working extra hours.

To the ones asking about the ring proposeal , im stil 300 bucks short, it will be earn by the end of the month or first days of next month.

Im working betwen 10 and 12 hrs per day.

Im a home coder, so it isnt that bad,i eat when and what i want,the bathroom isnt filty or the door broken, so i can go whitout worries.

Oh rigth, never tell ya guys but,my girl is on a long job trip over the states, she works as a personal secretary/assistant for a CEO woman here,never ask her name, or i just dont remember, KiKi may have told me once but i dont seem to remember.

Soooi when she goes outside the country (the CEO) my girl follows her. Think like that one ep of the simpsons whit Homer and Carl. But whit irl limits and such.

Its usually a 2 weeks to a month thing , 2 or 4 times a year, usually, something about important contracts and such, the CEO has to personaly atend, it has been like this for the last 3 years so its normal for me now.

Thats why i have to earn the noney NOW, so it comes as a surprise, she dont know im working that much.

So yeah. Probably a new chapter after the proposal, sorry for those who really want a new chap, but a man has priorotis.

And MINE is to put that big round booty to MY name legaly. We will see about a wedding later, diferent religions and such, its gonna be a pain in the ass. Meh, im only christian cause my parent bautisomething me, so not that much relevant to me really.

So wish me luck, hope to not die of overwork.


Also this is writen frome my phone, so, no grammar corrector. DONT JUDGE ME!