
Young Justice: The black super soldier

This is my first fan fiction so let's get into it this will be a self insert and my vision for my story on young justice with me only owning my MC with him having the super solider serum from marvel's Captain America with him having a high intellect of the young justice universe and in all aspects of him being the smartest man in the young justice universe with a small harem that I already have in mind so sit back and enjoy the fan fiction.

Tjsmith1202 · 电视同人
46 Chs

The Battle On Malina Island

[January 6, Los Angles]

[Tyler Rogers Mansion]

(Tyler Rogers AKA Captain America)

It was early in the morning when I woke up when I started to stir both Artemis and Jade both lying on top of me sleeping. I place them down gently to not awake them.

As I was up I get dressed in some workout attire and go for a morning run after my run I go downstairs to the weight room and started lifting weights and light sparring with a training dummy after my workout for a couple of hours I head upstairs where I see Artemis awake in the kitchen getting the kids their food ready when I speak up saying.

Tyler Rogers:"So you want me to cook today Artemis?"

Artemis:"Yes I would appreciate it I'm a little too tired today."

Tyler Rogers:"Alright what are you and Jade in the mood for?"

Artemis:"Ah ohhh some pancakes with eggs and bacon ohh with some toast please."

Tyler Rogers:"Alright glutton."

Artemis:"Hey I am not a glutton!"


Tyler Rogers:"Hahahahaha even little Sam thinks your a glutton hahaha!"

Artemis:"Really Sam to your own mother I carried you for nine months and that's how you do me wow."

After that we kept talking a playing around for a while then Jade comes downstairs saying to all of us.

Jade:"Good Morning. Ahhh Tyler's cooking yeah I'm gonna eat good today."

Artemis:"And what's wrong with my cooking!"

Jade:"Nothing it's good but it can't compare to Tyler's isn't that right Natasha."


Jade:"See sis."

Artemis:"Okay you know what you can all starve to death when you guys come back from mission or daycare okay."

Tyler Rogers:"Look were sorry Artemis we love your cooking all of us I promise."

Artemis:"Ah huh you better."

After that the food was done and we began to eat and in the middle of eating I get a call from Batman that Superboy and Miss Martian came back from Rann and that him and Martian Manhunter has a captured Kroloteans and that once Miss Martian got there she figured out where the Kroloteans base was and it was non other then Malina Island.

Once he said that I knew that a certain Atlantean would be there disguised and believed to most of the team and Justice League to be a traitor and bad guy but to a select few we knew what he was really there for.

So a couple hours later me and Jade were dressed for the mission to Malina island with Artemis telling us before we left.

Artemis:"You two be careful okay especially you Tyler I'm still mad about the New Orleans stunt you pulled."

Tyler Rogers:"Hey I didn't have any other option Artemis but I'll try not to do it again."

Jade:"Keyword try."

Artemis:"Just be careful and come back home okay."

Tyler Rogers:"Okay I will."

Artemis:"And Jade."

Jade:"Yeah I know I got it."

Artemis:"Okay Sam, Natasha say bye to mommy and daddy."

Sam:"Bye bye."


Tyler & Jade:"Bye."

After that me and Jade set off to Malina island on the ship.


[Malina Island]

(Captain America's POV)

As me and Jade were approaching Malina island Batman comes in on our comms the same with Nightwing with all of the members of the team and some Justice League members coming into join in the assault on Malina island. As Batman said that he spoke about the plan and what we were gonna do with Batman, Robin, and Batgirl take out the guards in the front while Aquaman & Lagoon Boy would sneak in underwater.

After Batman gave out those orders me and Jade went and snuck in once Batman and his group took down the goons in the outside as we got in there were a whole bunch of Kroloteans moving machinery around and immobilizing which had everyone on edge but we couldn't get anymore info once a voice reverberated the area alerting the Kroloteans to our presence.

?:"Well welcome Batman, Nightwing, and Captain America."

And lo and behold the one to alert us and the Kroloteans was a man in a Black manta suit which I, Batman, Nightwing, Superboy, and Cheshire knew was Aqualad but he continues and says once me, Nightwing, and Batman come out of hiding.

Aqualad:"So you found where we were I should have known my old friends."

Captain America:"And who are you the next Black Manta wanna be huh?"

Aqualad:"No I would say I am his son."

Nightwing:"Huh didn't know Black Manta would have a son thought he would just be a playboy for all I know?"

Aqualad:"Enough talk it's time I end you once and for all."

Batman:"Sorry not gonna happen."

And at that Aqualad comes and attacks us which at that moment Nightwing shouts for the team and some Justice League members to jump in and take down the Kroloteans while they would face off with the Kroloteans Aquaman and Lagoon Boy wanted to face off with Aqualad or in this form Black Manta.

Once we left the Atlantans to fight it out the three of us join the rest in facing off with the Kroloteans when Batman ask me.

Batman:"Hey Captain America can you get to the command center up top and get some information on what the Kroloteans next plans are!"

Captain America:"Yeah I got it just buy me some time and I'll get it!"

Batman:"On it!"

Once that was done I move up to the command center while taking out some Kroloteans along the way with help from the team and League for a path for me. As I got to the command center I plug in a flash drive I had in my utility belt as I did a voice comes from the computer saying.

??:"You know you really don't know when to give up huh."

As that voice spoke I knew who it was it was Brother eye so I speak up and say to the AI.

Captain America:"Yep I don't and yeah by the way you are a very shitty AI Jarvis is much better."

Brother eye:"Really that old relic Jarvis is nothing more then a piece of trash AI I am the more SUPERIOR AI!"

Captain America:"Jeez I guess you are such a failed AI because Jarvis knows his flaws and improves on them while you are just a failure not improving and making more and more mistakes like the one you made right now."

Brother eye:"Wait what-what are you talking about!"

Captain America:"Jarvis tell him if you will."

Jarvis:"Of course sir, as you can see Brother eye while you were talking to Tyler I hacked into everything that the Kroloteans and light had on these computers so we know what you are planning and we will stop you how's that for an old relic huh Brother eye."


At that moment before Brother eye could do anything else I unplugged the flash drive so he couldn't hurt Jarvis so he did the only thing he could to stop us from getting this intel to the team.

Brother eye:"Fine if I can't have that intel no one can say goodbye to everybody initiate countdown!"

And at that Brother eye started up an alien bomb that was in the command center I get on comms and tell everyone.

Captain America:"Everybody big problem we have a bomb of unknown alien origin and it's about to blow everyone evacuate now!"

Nightwing:"Can you stop it from going off."

Captain America:"Jarvis."

Jarvis:"I'm sorry sir I can not disarm the device with it being of unknown alien origin we need to evacuate now sir."

Captain America:"You all heard Jarvis everyone out now!"

Superman:"What about the Kroloteans can we get them out of here before the place blows up."

Captain America:"Sorry Superman but I think they made their choice and will die here but not us let's go!"

At that everyone started leaving the island while I was the last to go but before I did mechanical tentacles came out and wrapped me up with Brother eye saying to me.


As I was tangled up and couldn't move a flying suriken comes flying in cutting the tentacles off of me revealing that person to be Cheshire who spoke up saying to me.

Cheshire:"Come on get up we got to go now!"

Captain America:"Yep alright thanks for the save sweetie."

Cheshire:"Don't mention it you owe me for this."

Captain America:"Alright."

As that was said Jarvis told us that we had about 10 seconds to get off the island and get to a safe distance so all of the team members including Batman and Superman were on the bishop while me and Cheshire were on my ship with Aquaman, Wonder Women, and Wonder girl and we took off we had three seconds left and we were right beside the bishop halfway away from the island when the bomb went off.

Once the bomb went off the explosion was reaching us fast so my ship and M'gann ship had to punch it to get far enough away and we were barely successful with the escape.


[Watchtower one hour later]

(Captain America's POV)

Once the team and the league got to the watchtower Batman spoke up saying.

Batman:"So Captain what did you learn from hacking into the enemies computers."

Captain America:"Well I got almost everything of what the light has been up to in the five years with getting the Kroloteans transported to earth and getting into the government system so they could take the league and the young team of covert ops heroes down."

Nightwing:"So that is what they've been up to trying to get the Justice League to be hated by the public and show the team into the light isn't that something."

Superboy:"But know we know their plans and more even if they have Kaldur on their side."

Lagoon Boy:"Neptune's beard can't believe he's a traitor argh."

Wonder Women:"Calm down Lagoon Boy, okay Captain is their more that you got."

Captain America:"...Yeah I did and that is that the light have been planning also to fight along side with someone else of unknown alien origins and that once the Justice League was off planet especially the Green Lanterns they would strike."

Green Lantern (John Stewart):"Wait why us? Why do they need us gone?

Captain America:"You guess is as good as mine but I may have a loop hole to mess up their plans."

Superman:"And what is that?"

Captain America:"Well simple really I'm going to go to Rimbor and be arrested."