Others proclaim he was set for life. Proclaim he is forever happy. Hold him on a pedestale for others to follow. Yet he feels life is empty. And when a girl appears after his money why would he turn her away. Whats the purpose of money never spent?
The man was slouched over the bar an empty pint of beer beside him. His black hair was a mess and his fancy dress shirt half tucked, along with an unidentifiable watch and loose tie.
"Felix, another round!" He didn't lift his head leaving it buried in his arms. He was in decent shape with no eye-catching features.
"You've had four rounds tonight. I've cut you off!" The bartender replied cleaning out the recently empty pint.
"How much extra? 100? 200? 300?" He stretched his arms and looked Felix dead in the eyes.
"2,000," The number seemed rhetorical but the man pulled out his wallet and handed him a black card.
Felix only shook his head in response to this man.
The man didn't even blink as he nodded and waited on his next round. He observed everyone else in the bar with a blank stare. Most people were unlike himself and laughing and dancing out on the floor. At the door hung a sign, "Whoever lasts the longest out on the dance floor will get free drinks for a month."
The man was dragged away from his observations at the sound of the beer being placed next to him. "Thanks." He didn't hesitate to take the beer down in gulps, finishing half before placing it down.
"So, big shot, how much you got in your bank account? You didn't even blink at 2 grand so how much you actually got." A girl walked up beside him asked. Showing off her assets herself hung all over his arm. Her eyes clouded with lust and a mask of make-up.
"Huh? You must have the wrong guy. I've been drinking the cheapest alcohol all night. Right Felix?" He didn't take a second look at the girl and returned to his beer.
"This man is a helpless alcoholic every cent is spent drinking. If you have a dollar to spend, put it towards alcohol; would be his motto." Felix responded having just finished a cocktail for a different lady.
"Bummer. I'll take a sex and the city." The lady ordered and returned to the dance floor to meet up with her friends.
"How many is that now?" Felix questioned, he had long since lost count.
"This week."
"Today Friday?"
"Thursday, still."
"Likely in the 30s then."
Felix broke out in laughter, "First time you haven't had an exact answer since I've met you Aster."
"34." Aster finished his drink and slammed the glass on the counter.
"You did that on purpose!" Felix's laugh stopped immediately at Aster's reply. He had been tricked, by this mellow man.
"Another round!" Aster ordered, the atmosphere not even clicking in his head.
"5 grand!" Felix didn't reply before taking the black card and empty glass. Aster wasn't surprised at the exchange and continued to pester Felix.
"With how much extra I've paid, I should have a plaque somewhere." His words began to slur as he talked. Felix heard this and didn't finish swiping the card before handing it back to Aster.
"You're actually done for tonight." Felix proceeded to fill a glass with water and hand it to Aster.
"Drink this, it will help." Felix offered before he moved to other customers. Aster only sighed and sipped the water. He stared at his black card with looks of sadness. No one else came up to him for the next few hours as Aster sipped his water.
"Aster Holland, right?" A feminine voice came up behind him.
"How much money you want to not say that name again?" He replied, his body immediately straightened.
"What makes you think I'm after money?" He turned in his stool to take in her appearance and was unsurprised at the outcome. She was remarkably beautiful, a black dress with a slit down the side, with a mediocre amount of make-up if any at all. Long dark hair and contrasting bright eyes. Her figure was best defined as something other women would die for. She was strangely familiar as well, he couldn't place it though.
"How much you want?" He was still monotone to the situation.
"I only want you to go out with me."
"Oh, you're after all of it. Bye."
"I'll just tell everyone here, who you are then. How many girls do you think will be dashing over then?" She threatened her lips curving into a smirk.
"Felix! I'm going to call it a night!" Aster called over before leaving a tip and proceeding out of the bar. He released a heavy sigh and followed behind him was that same lady.
"How much for you to stop following me?"
"I'm not after your money."
He paused and turned back to look at her, he was a solid head taller than her. "You must be new to the area. You will see hundreds if not thousands of guys with similar if not better appearances than me. You mentioned me by name and that name is only known for one thing, Money."
"Fine! I want your money! Happy?" She was visibly angry at the turn of events likely not having thought it would go on for this long.
"How many you need?" He asked not caring for her temperament. He also searched through his pockets and pulled out a crunched-up box of cigarettes.
"I want to be your wife!" She proclaimed. Aster was in shock and dropped his cigarette and lighter.
"I'm sorry what? You want to be my wife?" Her cheeks were completely red opting to nod instead of vocally answer.
"You're just after my money, right?" He once more questioned, trying to get a grip on the situation that had gotten too out of hand.
"Yes, I want your money." She answered her hardened eyes locked with his quiet lazy ones.
"Sure. Let's get married."
"The name's Lucia!"
This was the first day, of a journey that would change their lives. Life was never dull when you have enough money to make it exciting. That is what they say at least; is it truly the money that matters though?