
You Are My Addiction

Myself Victoria , my family being the famous one in USA surrounded me with media. But all I want is to be free from these responsibilities. They think that I will take over my father's business which is of automobiles but guess what, I have another plans. What about my love life, well it's pretty complicated. Everyone has a crush in their lives right, people also love someone secretly And it becomes most important feeling if it's childhood love. . . . Myself Samuel. Love. What is the love? It is total bullshit. Love don't exist in real life. It's all money what people want. I love my life because I can hook up with anyone, I can flirt with anyone i want. This is all i want. My freedom. That's it. "I am not going addict to anyone in my life"

agarwallatrisha · 现代言情
5 Chs

Chapter 1 : Introduction

In a garden at evening, a boy who looks breathtakingly handsome. Green piercing eyes holding nothing but a different kind of emotion towards her. He was grinning and laughing along with her. Her laughter soothes his ears. It's like a music to him. A girl was running before him and he was trying to catch her just to get a glimpse of her face. He can't see her face, all he is able to see is her red hair.

Girl was running around fountain but he tricked her by turning opposite and ran after her. But she was clever as well. She instantly duck her and ran away.

"Do whatever you want butterfly, i will definitely see your face today. You won't be able to run away from me anymore" Said boy who was grinning like an idiot, and again took a rum after her.

She laughed. But boy able to catch her hand. She still stood there facing the opposite, he was behind him. He pull her hand towards him gently. Then he pulled her, she collided with his chest. She feels shy, hiding her face in his chest. Just as he was going to remove the strands from her face.

"Samuel sir..."

He grunted avoiding the voice in back of his mind.

"Samuel sir"

This time the voice comes along with shaking his body.

"Why are your voice sounding so manly and stop calling me sir" he asked the girl to which she giggled still hiding her face in his chest.

"Samuel Sir Wake-up, today you have a concert"

Samuel jerked and sat on his bed. He gritted his teeth at his chauffer. But then he thought, what was his fault.

"Oh I think you saw the same dream today as you have been seeing for years. Didn't you?" Person asked Samuel in oblivious tone. When Samuel give him a look raising his perfectly arched eyebrows, he grinned sheepishly. "And again i didn't let you see her face"

Samuel nodded heaving a sigh.

"Damn better luck next time sir. But what can i do you have a concert in just an hour from now. You have to getup and freshen up so that we can catch there on time. Otherwise you will made people wait there for you"

"That's what i am, Harry. People wait for me and will always be." Samuel told, winking at him.

Harry smiled and nodded "I will be waiting for you outside sir"

Samuel nodded then strode towards the bathroom.






Samuel Pov-

Doing my business i step down the stairs of my penthouse. Now it's getting out of my hands seriously. Again and again this redhead haunts me in my dreams. Or maybe I'm exaggerating. She soothes my heart but still. I won't be able to see her face. It's been years since i am chasing her. Sometimes in mansion, or garden. I don't know what to do.

I went into the kitchen. Grabbing an apple cause it's evening and i can't eat anything yet. I only eat two times a day. It's my habit. A little snack would suffice for the whole day to keep my energy up.

Travelling from New York to Italy, it had took a toll on me. That's why I slept. And yes, I have my penthouse not only in Italy, but in my countries. I have many concerts all over the world.

It's only southern Asia where I don't have any penthouse yet and soon i will be buying two or three there as well. It could be mansion as well.

I pull myself out using the elevator to the ground floor. Then strode towards my car. Harry give me a nod to which I reply politely. He opened the door for me and i sat in my rolls Royce.






A mansion decorated with lights and flowers was looking very beautiful.

"Listen matt you have to take care of all the things. I can't just look everywhere. I have so many things to do" A lady in her late-forties instructed her servant. She was looking elegant with slight frown on her forehead. She has brown eyes. Servant nodded

"Just make sure that balloons should be of white and blue combination. Sam likes that way only. And contact the decorating team manager, what's his name?" She rambled.

"Daniel hale madam" he memories her.

"Yeah, tell them about it. This place should be decorated by 5, people would be coming in an hour or two."

"Sure madam, I will do everything. Anything else mam?"

"No no, now run. We have so much to do" He ran away from her to do the chores.

Isabelle remember something and she ran towards her room.

Jason was talking on call with his business delegates.

"Yeah Mr. Iplikchi. Don't you worry, you won't regret doing this deal with us" reassured Jason on his call.

"Iyi guner. Gorusuruz" he bid his client bye. (Translate- Good day, see you)

Isabella entered the room passing his husband in a hurry and opened the cupboard. He walk behind her. Taking her in embrace, they both smiled looking at the photo frame she took out of their wardrobe.

"Finally, you made it" He sigh and said to Isabelle.

"Why thank you. They both are the apple of my eye. I'm so happy that Sam is going to be with me by tomorrow" She exclaimed happily.

"Oh darling, don't you have a little bot sympathy towards this husband of yours. Just give me attention too." She laughed hearing her husband complaining like a five year old child.

She hang the frame on the wall where several photos were present. Samuel's childhood, her marriage with Jason, her second baby along with Sam's grinning face, etc.

"Don't worry baby, I'm all yours."

He kissed her lips.




All family members were sitting in the hall In front of tv. They all are excited.

"When is the event going to start?" Samuel's Grandmother asked.

" it's just going to grandma" says eight year old cute girl, Maril.

Isabelle and Jason too come and sat on the couch along with them.




A big stadium in Italy, crowded with millions of people who cheering loud and demanding for their favorite singer.




A light spot turns on and fall the stage making crowd in a loud roar of applaud. They all were howling like crazy. Samuel holding a guitar appeared from the back of stage and hold the spot.

"Are you ready guy?" He asked in the mike he was holding and then turn the mike towards crowd.

They all cheered.

"I can't hear you?"

The crowd doubled with cheering.

" Yeah. Come on




And music started along with his singing.

A girl wearing blue bikini was swimming in the pool. It's a VIP area where rich and sophisticated people come and enjoy their time.

Two boys were standing at the corner literally gawking the girl's body with pure lust. Though boys were themselves rich and handsome but she is just out of their reach.

"I will take her buddy, don't day dream about her" Boy with blonde hair said.

"Really, like she is going to fall in your arms by the next minute" Other boy chuckled who has brown hair.

"Are you challenging me?" He asked.

"Whatever you consider it as" Other boy smirked.

"Fine, just wait and watch" He stood up with determination and strode towards her.

She was coming out of the pool. Water dripping from every inch of her body making shockingly hot. Her fair skin was shinning due to the rays of sun falling on her.

Her blond hair was sticking onto her shoulders. She has short hairs just below her shoulders. She took the towel placed on the couch there. And started drying her face, body and her hair.

That boy approached her.

"Hey sexy" The girl smirked and turn towards him.

"Yes" She asked rudely. Arrogance was dripping from her voice.

"Would you like to go on a date with me?" She raised her eyebrows. Looked at him up and down then scoffed.

"Not interested " Boy's face drained from all the colors. Other boy came and stood beside him.

"You, how dare you? No girl has rejected me like you do. Bloody bitch. What do you think you are" He shouted in frustration taking step towards her. She was looking a bit scared now and took step back. But as soon as he took another step a loud gun shot could be heard.

That boy grunt in pain and fall on the ground holding his right arm. Another boy kneel down beside in concern.

She looked here and there frantically.

A man dressed in black suit came in view. He was looking intimidating.

"What the hell. Who shot me?" the boy shouted again wincing in pain. His face was crunched.

She gulped. "I shot you. Because your trying to cross your line with this lady. Boss won't tolerate this" The man in black dress said.

"Who is the bloody boss? How dare you shoot my friend? And who is this lady? " another boy asked.

She gulped and look at the boy in horror. Now the time has ended. Her freedom will again behold by his father. She cursed under her breathe. They will know who she is.

"Just get the hell out of here Rafael" She asked the man in black with pure anger, Grinding her teeth.

"Sorry mam, sir has clearly told me not to leave you alone. " Rafael said in a monotonous voice.

"What the hell. Call the ambulance somebody. I won't leave you. Just because of you my friend is in this state." Another boy stated holding his friend's body in his arms. He fainted due to the loss of blood.

She closed her eyes for a minute.

Until Rafael spoke.

"You can't do anything to her. Because she is Elena"
