come along with our hero as he builds a world of his own imagination after losing everything he knows and loves and gets OP along the way.
In the deepest Depth of the infinitely vast Void of Worlds, where the Souls of the Dead gather to disappear, be judged or worse, there was a Soul.
There was nothing special about this Soul on the first glance, it didn't belong to a great God or a mighty Dragon, it was not even that old for a Soul, barely a few Lives lived.
Its last Death and its luck however was something else.
It lived on a distant World, a World devoided of Magic and out of reach from the System or any God to rule it but filled with an endless amount of Stories and Myths that describe Beings and Wonders the World didn't have but its Inhabitants all dreamt about.
The World and its Inhabitants didn't expect the End to come and why would they, no one expects their Deaths to come so suddenly as it did.
The Event to cause the Destruction of this World was a Void-Storm.
Void-Storms are catastrophic and very rare and cause everything, be it Plants or Spoons, even Souls to just disappear in the infinit Nothingness.
The only thing left after the Disaster was the lonely soul of a poor Human Man floating in the Void.
The Soul spent the first Decades mindlessly being there.
One day it remembers bits and pieces of itself.
Hundreds of Years later it could form small thoughts lacking reason.
Thousands of Years later it remembers its Name and its Memories but was captured in its own Mind and the Darkness of Nothingness.
Tens of Thousands of Years later the Soul learns to move and see.
And an uncountable Number of Years later, after going Mad and Sane from Loneliness and Agony hundreds of times it mastered its own Mind and got a true Glimpse of the Void.
The Soul was nothing special when it miraculously came to the Void but now it was and after seeing noting but Nothingness and even more Nothingness it saw Something else, Something new.
A Wall
A Wall made out of Date and Energy
The Wall that markt the Edge of the grand System
The System was a Universe of its own, with its own Rules, Laws and most importantly Magic and Opportunity.
The Soul got more and more excited as it approached the Wall and as it past it there was no Nothingness anymore.
It was still surrounded by Nothingness and Darkness but now there was Something else.
Something that spoke right in its Mind