
why shengxiaomo

A love in youth leads to the love of a lifetime. Zhao Mosheng, who was in college, was sunny, and fell in love with He Yichen, a great talent in the law department at first sight. The cheerful and straightforward she chased after her, and finally made the talented him stop for her...

MarsAttacks · 都市
16 Chs


It's four o'clock in the morning.

Just finished a small episode.

It's strange, just now I was terribly sleepy, afraid that I would forget what I was going to write tomorrow, so I insisted on it, but now I woke up instead, crawled on the bed, got up again, and decided to finish typing the postscript.

Probably because of excitement, the end of "Why" is finally around the corner.

The book "Why" began to be serialized on Jinjiang Original Online in September 2003. After the initial 70,000 words were serialized at the end of 2003, I once put it down because of the trivial matters of graduating from senior year and the rush of work at the beginning. I thought, if there were no readers on the Internet who kept urging me to encourage me, I would not have the motivation to finish writing. So although the readers who are often yelling, beating, killing and slaughtering the tortoise are urged to jump like a tortoise, but there is always only gratitude and guilt. Sometimes I chat with Baibai and Xiaoxi, and when it comes to their readers, I always say that the readers of "Why" are the most gentle and patient.

Then Xiaoxi and Baibai looked like they wanted to kill me, and said: Can you be patient as your readers? !


Oh yeah~~>_<~~

I'm really slow (I really don't want to admit it==), I've always been the lazy kind of person, I have no ambitions, live a stable life, I can only climb up and down with a whip, this kind of person probably won't do anything Come on big business. However, if I worked hard, maybe what I wrote would not be "Why Shengxiaomo".

The passing of life is like looking at the scenery. If you walk fast, you can see more scenery, but if you walk slowly, you can appreciate the beauty and details of those scenery.

I think I must be the latter kind of person, enjoying the most ordinary and smallest details in life, and then trying to write them out.


No matter how it sounds, it sounds like he is justifying himself for his slowness...

Hmm, let's get back on topic and continue with "Why".

The inspiration for "Why" started when my mother and I went to the supermarket one day. There are many people in the supermarket and it is crowded, and the picture of why the beginning suddenly popped up in my mind.

A man and a woman who fell in love and parted from each other unexpectedly meet in a crowd many years later, their eyes met, they gazed at each other lightly, and then walked away separately.

From the beginning of "Why", I wanted to write such a passing by. Then gradually flesh and blood became full, and even the characters had their own tempers, which were no longer under my control.

A friend once asked me, what do you want to express in this book?

In fact, when I was writing a book, I just wanted to write a story, and I didn't think much about it. But she asked so seriously, and I thought seriously, what exactly do I want to express?

I think the answer is something like this:

There are many, many beautiful love poems in the world, but the happiest one must be this one—hold your hand and grow old together.

What "Why Shengxiaomo" wants to express is such a kind of happiness.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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