
White Oblivion

Alternate highschool dxd world What if Vali Lucifer the descendant of the devil king Lucifer and current White Dragon Emperor who ran away from his abusive father at the age of 13 didn't get found by Azazel and instead was later on found by the crimson-haired ruin princess of the Gremory family instead? This is a Highschool DxD Fan-fiction and I don't own anything from the original book and I also don't own the cover all that belongs to their rightful owners. hey, guys, I'm sorry with my bad updates and all, so uni about to be finished for me soon and I'm feeling quite bored and kinda motivated to write again so I decided to start this again but I've decided to rework the whole thing as for how long I'm going to continue it might not be long but thanks to those who have all supported me. your author Chubalub

Chubalub · 漫画同人
6 Chs

Chapter 4




Screamed the boy in anguish as he hugged the letter close to his chest while quietly calling for his mother. Such a sight crushed he heart at this, moving forward she bent down to envelope him in what she would call her most loving and warm embrace as possible trying to take his pain away.

"Mom, mom why, why did you leave me behind"

Sob sob

"Please be strong Vali-sama this is not what your mother wanted she wanted you to be strong and be happy, please don't make her sacrifices be in vain, she knew you longed to go out of the Lucifer family all your life so she sacrificed everything so you could escape Rizevan-sama and get the chance to be free" comforted Grayfia.

Forcing his head out of the bountiful bosom her looked up to meet her eyes which were no longer that of cold indifference hiding his despair, sorrow and fear but instead eyes full of venomous hatred and a steely determination to get stronger "Grayfia I want to get stronger, Stronger than my father, Stronger than my grandfather, strong enough to avenge my mother!"

Looking at the boy she was entrusted to that was supposed to live a happy life turn toward a life full of hatred and vengeance worried her greatly. I can't allow Vali-sama to live like this or else I would have failed lady Lucifer-sama, but looking at him now it doesn't seem possible to change his decision I'll try to convince him that it's not possible now and bring him away to and make him slowly forget, sigh.

Looking at his now clouded blue eyes she said softly "Vali-sama currently it will be too difficult to get revenge you must first get stronger and also avoid the search of the Lucifer family in case they find you if your grandfather Rizevim-sama finds us even I wouldn't be a match against him, so from now on we'll live in the human world from now one and I'll slowly train you, would you be willing to?"

"Yes! I will get stronger and I'll stay alive even if I have to live like a dog! Until I'm strong enough to kill them all!!!" shouted Vali.

Smiling gently and brushing his his "alright Vali-sama from now on we would be living in your mother's home country and I'll be training you but you much also live the life of an ordinary human and attend school so as to avoid detection from the house of Lucifer and also fulfil you mother's wish"

Lowering his silence he muttered a silent yes. But with her senses, she was able to easily hear it, smiling happily she said "well that's great to hear the now let us get on out way Vali-sama"

1 year later


On this busy streets, you could see many young teens all dressed in the same clothes all scattering in different directions on their way home and among them, a 14-year-old vali was walking by himself as he slowly trudged towards the subway station while ignoring the glances from those around him especially those of the opposite gender and they talked quietly in hushed voices about him with reddened cheeks.

It has been a year since Vali and Grayfia left the demon realm and moved to Japan and they had been travelling around Japan every two months switching towns and cities trying to avoid all supernatural detection. While he was constantly transferring schools in the meantime he wasn't able to fit in as all he had on his mind was vengeance and the thought of getting stronger and all this time Grayfia has not done any training with him as the topic gets changed every time other than his natural growth there has been no significant strength gain.

But other than training she has taken on the role of a mother as she tried providing the best for him with both schooling of the ordinary world and the supernatural world, through this he has learned the power ranks as his father is a high-rank devil while he is in the bottom of the low a low-class devil. But he doesn't resent her as he knows she cares for him just like his mother, she was trying to keep him away from vengeance and make him forget but he can't and will not forget.

After realizing that he hasn't gotten any stronger in this whole year and probably won't in the future if he stays with Grayfia he had finally decided to leave and go out to get stronger himself which he greatly looks forward to but a part of him has grown attached to Grafia as the thought of leaving pains him. In fact, he had planned to leave half a year ago but he had been hesitant to leave Grayfia but after half a year he has finally steeled his resolve as he had packed some clothes and his year of pocket money he's been saving into his backpack this morning to school.

He had planned to leave Tokyo this afternoon after school in which he'll do by subway.

Stepping through the gates and hearing the announcements of the soon to be departure, looking out the window towards the direction of the place he and Grayfia were staying at one last time, good by Grayfia thank you for everything, I'm grateful for everything you have done for me but I have to get stronger and get revenge, I'm sorry.