Here, we marry indiscipline and tragedy Here, the motherland respects lie Corruptions are given birth to outside the light, while here Tradition is sanctioned and modernization is pride A dark culture and a revised religion, all here Here, we're denied learning the origin of how we write and speak How did words become words and number alike Here, we wear the characters of those who history propose as geniuses and legends, even if they were not A dark and inexplicable past is the present and future A future worth ignoring Here, I'm divided By tribes, cultures and symbols Different currencies and different identies Different familiarity and different religion Here, I would fight with no chance of existence And, my slave master would think me a fool Cause, here, I'm a nobody Nobody is my name If she comes, Liberia is hers and not mine Though I might dream of a new day Here, I do not decide the future There is no future If I speak out, I become a child of a lesser God A lesser God they add Why am I still here If I could speak If I could walk Here Nowhere else, but It stinks and hurt Black people Dark continent A prescribed fake traditions by my opponent New religion and doctrine Now, we're homosexuals and slayers Killers of ourselves Haters of our ethnicity and cultural norms But Here, we shall remain Protecting the sanity of our faith Here we shall abide Imbibing into our history Though we will die Not for a cause they would brand But Here, we die with honor Holding with pride the African culture There's no strength to move forward Here, we will fight Standing tall and courageous When the last birth runs out Here, we will be buried Here lies my identity And, Here, I want to stand