
When I said I wanted a girl friend I meant human

New Years a day. Vick was a regular guy going to participate in a New Years party. Well because of earth not using mana in 4.5 billion years, kaboom Everything boom gone nonexistent. But some guys thought it was bull and made a new planet fully utilizing mana. They swooped got the humans and put ‘em there. To make up for the planet exploding they gave people wishes based on there New Years resolution. Being stronger cuter the regular. My boy Vick asked for a girlfriend. The guys trolled the man and had him start dating a monster.

Snake_Orc · 奇幻
15 Chs

Chapter 12

I looked up at the sky and saw it was near midday. 'Never mind' I'd decided I was going to study the horse thing more first. I didn't want to end up finding out it did eat meat or something.

Before going to look for it I grabbed the color changing skin and threw it over the wagon leaving only the wheels still visible. I picked up my knife and cut some of the skin off.

I made a small cloak so I could watch the horse thing better. After making sure the wagon was nicely hidden I went back through the forest. I walked back towards the camp first and grabbed a few sweet pears.

Retracing my steps I ended back up on the hill. After walking for a while I saw the hill i watched the horse from before.

I looked down from the hill and saw the horse eating some grass. I noticed the wild dog was gone but I didn't see any blood there. 'I can sort of assume it didn't eat it'

I pulled out my book and flipped to the animal section. I flipped to a page and saw the horse was already there.

I grabbed a piece of bark and started writing down what I saw. The image was in black and white so I wrote the colors it was. I watched as the photo changed from its black and white to green and blue.

'Eats regular grass' I made sure to write down as much as I could, for when I went to tame it. '6 legs, very strong' 'possibly aggressive'.

I noticed yesterday it attacked before the dogs did but it could also be because it had faced them before.

'Vines covered body' I noticed how it had vines and leaves on it. Based on all of this I think it's safe to assume it's a herbivore. I moved a little closer to see more.

I took one of the sweet pears out and threw it towards it. The horse looked startled at first before seeing it was just a fruit. It slowly made its way over towards it.

I watched as it sniffed it before taking a bite out of it. It chewed for a second before taking a bigger bite and eating it whole. It looked back up and sniffed again before walking towards me.

I was confused at first until I realized. 'I brought multiple' I slowly backed away but it kept coming towards me.

I threw another pear out a few dozen feet away from me. It ran over towards the pear and ate it.

My book glowed and I looked down. I opened it and saw a new entry on the horse. -taming process <⅔>- I looked at the book and saw the pears were taming it.

This time when it started sniffing towards me again I stood up. I took off the cloak and held the pear in one hand. It walked towards me sniffing the pear.

It sniffed my hand a few times and then grabbed the pear, eating it whole. I got a notification in my head. -tamed wild —— - I looked at my book confused.

It didn't show a name so I put the species name fire horse and called this one ivy. (I know it was a really long time ago but RIP ivy, only real ones know who I mean)

I walked along its side and saw it had a bunch of leaf-like things growing on it. I slid my hand across Ivy's stomach. It had a bunch of grooves and bumps in it.

I thought about riding it, when green vines came and wrapped around my waist. They picked me up and sat me on its back.

I never rode horse back so I just grabbed one of the vines to be stable.

I did what I would see on tv and patted it on its stomach. It started a slow trot. I used the vines like reins to steer. I rode ivy towards our camp.

When we got there I saw Diana laying down. When Diana saw ivy she immediately got up. I hopped off the dire horse expecting a fight to break out but it didn't. Diana walked up to the horse and started patting it on its head.

She seemed to have a natural affinity towards it because ivy wasn't fighting back or anything. I watched Diana rub it for a second before sitting back down.

I went towards the horse and led it over towards the wagon. I used some rope and attached it to her chest and back. Making a harness of sorts.

As I was putting it on ivty didn't complain or jump at all. I strapped the harness on making sure it wouldn't fall off.

I jumped onto the wagon and patted ivy's stomach. She started pulling the wagon with ease.

I was sorting to expect that she would struggle but she didn't. Ivy didn't go super fast or slow either.

She went at a normal pace. I used the ropes and gave gentle tugs to change directions. After a minute or 2 we ended up back at our camp.

I hopped off of the wagon and went towards our tent. "Now we have an actual mobile home" I took everything out of the tent. I grabbed the scorch pear out of the tent and connected a rope to it.

I went inside of the wagon and hung the pear from the ceiling. Next I went inside the tent and grabbed the orbs.

I grabbed all the orbs out and brought them towards the tent. I put a few in the wagon and saw the size increased from a bedroom to a small apartment.

I moved the chest inside first. I grabbed the axe and the tent. I put the chest under one of the benches I made.

I moved some palm leaves on one of the jutting planks. Which was big enough to make a huge bed. I covered it in palm leaves and then put the gator skin over it making a sheet.

I disassembled the tent. I took the wood out and put them at the back of the wagon making a fence. I took the ice pears and the meat and put them in the chest while everything else was under the bed. I stood up and looked at my work.

I made a fully furnishe-. . . . . . . . . I made a wagon. I laid down on the bed noticing I didn't even take up a full ¼ of it. I laid down and spear my arms out. I flipped over and looked up. "As of now I'm probably better than most if not everyone else, in terms of shelter and food" 'its mainly due to luck and diana tho'

I didn't think about it for long before going back out. Diana was laying on the grass taking a nap. I went over to her and tapped her shoulder.

She looked at me confused until I grabbed her hand. "So sleeping on the floor isn't that comfortable so I made a simple bed" she didn't seem to care that much and just layed down on the bed.

After a few seconds she went back to sleep. I walked out of the tent and saw ivy laying down. I saw she was also snoring. I noticed how it was really dark.

I went through our items. I tried to find another scorch pear to produce some more light. I couldn't find one so I ended up grabbing a sour pear.

I took it out and saw it glowed a bright yellow. I used a stick and attached it to the front of the wagon. I saw ivy get up and sniff it before wrinkling her nose.

She turned around and went back to sleep. 'Now i know we have a light source that won't be eaten'

I went back into the wagon and layed down. I saw Diana lying on the bed. She also only took up ¼ of it. I layed down on it. I was tired and just went to sleep.






When I woke up I was really hungry. I really need to take care of my eating habits. I don't even think I ate yesterday.

I got up and went to the entrance. Diana was still asleep. I walked to the front of the wagon. I saw ivy standing up and eating grass.

When she saw me she nodded her head before eating a little more. I waited until she was done. After she finished eating I patted her stomach signaling her to go.

I used the ropes and small tugs and pulls to lead her.I sat down and looked around. Now that I have a direhorse and wagon I can relax alot.

I thought of trying to find some people. Specifically my friend James, and a few helpers wouldn't hurt. Obviously I wouldn't let people just walk right in but just someone to talk to would be nice.

I unconscious;y led her to the hill. We made our way onto the plains. I made sure to keep the river in sight and followed it.

I looked in the distance at the waterfall. If before it would take a month to get there, now it seems to be a 3 weeks journey. Not counting getting food and foraging and stuff.

(Yo another chapter, why? Because I'm bored. I'm not updating like this regularly so don't get used to it, or do, I don't control you)