

Aria is a beautiful, tough high-schooler who finds herself sent to study in her father's institution. She has bad blood with family. Soon, she finds herself involved with the most rich and handsome boys, Zayn and Adrian who both find themselves falling for her. As she journeys in her new makes new friends like Lilly and Ivy who make feel whole again. But life isn't any better as her brother, Ethan won't stop teasing and bullying her but at the same time, he cares for her. Her mother has mistreated her and never been there for her during her hard times. Her mother only wants to be at the top. As for her father, he left her and her mother with Ethan because he couldn't tolerate his wife's behavior. Her mother too could not live with a man who she thought cheated on her and they both separated but later interacted with each other when Aria was forced to join his institution. Life starts getting better in high school till her past comes crawling back to the surface. Follow Aria's journey as her life completely changes.

Kate_Cherono · 青春言情
2 Chs


The loud knock on Aria's door jerked her from deep slumber. She groaned in frustration as she walked towards the door unsteadily and opened the door ready to bark at the person who disturbed her sweet sleep. She saw her mother standing at the door with flight tickets and a passport in her hands.

"The plane you will be boarding will leave in an hour's time. It will be a 6hour flight to Canada, your father and brother will pick you up at airport. Get ready quickly." With that said, she turned around and walked away.

Aria went to her room and took a shower and slipped into her clothes. She wore a black jeans and a white crop top. She tied her navy blue jacket around her waist. She slipped her feet into white sneakers. She let her dark brown shoulder length hair loose. Though she didn't put on make up, she looked beautiful.

Aria ate her breakfast and went out of mansion and meet her mother and James speaking. As soon as they saw her, Amelia said, "Your suitcase and stuff are in the car. Here are your tickets and passport."

"Thanks" Aria said as she took them and entered the car.

"Hope when we'll meet everything will be better. Good bye and please don't cause any more mischief." Amelia said sharply. Aria simply nodded and soon, the car drove out. The drive was short and soon she reached the airport. She took out her suitcase ready to walk inside the airport when James suddenly spoke," Aria, I hope as you go to Canada, you will receive the peace you need. I know this isn't the person you are. Hope we'll meet soon." With that said, James went and sat the driver's seat and drove off leaving Aria in deep thoughts.

Aria snapped out of her trance and entered the airport. She did all the formalities, boarded the plane and soon, it took off. She sat at the window and started to relive the moment her parents separated.


"Hurry nanny, mom and dad will be back soon." The seven-year old Aria said. Today was her parents anniversary. Her brother, Ethan had gone to his friend's house for a slumber party. Suddenly, Aria heard the screeching of brakes.

"They're here!". Aria screamed as she hid under the table where she prepared the anniversary dinner. After some seconds, she heard screaming and shouting. She frowned deeply when she realized it was her parents who stood next to the table.

"How dare you cheat on me with that your stupid friend of yours!" Amelia said in anger.

"I didn't cheat on you. Whatever you saw today was not you think. Suzy just tripped and fell on me mistakenly and at that same time you came."

"You think I'm dumb enough to believe that. I don't think I can live insecurely with an unfaithful husband. Just pack your things and get out." Amelia said as her voice raised with each word said.

" Yeah, you're right, maybe I should leave. I can't live with such a manipulative woman." Jasper said as he walked away from Amelia. He stopped on his tracks when he heard her wife laugh maniacally and said, "You can't live without me. I'm the one who can't live with a man who uses drugs. Do you think your children will have a happy life when I announce to the world that their father is a drug addict?"

Jasper was shocked, but still said, "At least I'm trying to handle my problem, but you, I don't know even what to say. Also I'm taking Ethan with me while you stay with your daughter." With that said, Jasper left.

Aria got out of her hiding and walked towards her mother who sitting on one of the chairs as tears rolled down her cheeks.

" Has dad left us? "Aria asked meekly.

Her mother turned to her and grabbed her harshly by her shoulders and said angrily,"Never call that man dad. He's gone and you'll stay with me, never mention him before me, you hear me?"

From that day, Aria was weary of her mom and their relationship felt apart. She was brought back to reality by an air hostess who said if she was okay. Aria simply nodded and the air hostess went. She turned her head towards the window and stared at the clouds and soon she fell asleep.